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I am currently sitting in my second period class. My last class before lunch. Unfortunately it is also my least favorite class. For a few reasons. Reason 1: it's math class, need i say more? Math isn't quite as bad as the stuffy celebrity event I attended a few days ago  but it almost as bad. Reason 2: it's Leo's first day at school and he's not in this class, and finally, reason 3: I hate my desk partner.

Who is my desk partner? Jason Grace. 

I know what your thinking. *gasp* How can you not like Jason Grace? He's handsome, nice, smart and helpful. The captain of the football team. He's perfect! 

Exactly. He's perfect. So annoyingly perfect. Everyone loves him, and he doesn't even seem to notice. He's a golden boy. Literally. He has skin that has a permanent golden tan, and golden blonde hair. His eyes are blue but his square glasses have golden frames, so even they have touches of gold. A golden boy. Perfection.  Who wouldn't like sitting next to Jason Grace? 

Me, that's who.

Maybe you think hating him is too much. Maybe you think I'm just jealous. I'm not. I just can't help but resent him, he's so goddamn perfect it's annoying. He's so perfect it's like he's not even human. Like he's a robot created to act like a human, without the imperfections. I think I could like him if he just had one little-

"Miss. McLean?" A voice asks, jolting me out of my thoughts. 

Oh shit. While I was internally bitching about Jason my teacher decided to call on me to answer a question. I was most certainly not paying attention. Meaning I have no idea what the answer is.

"Uh..." I drag out the word, trying not to look stupid.

"Seven." Jason whispers, under his breath, so soft only I could possibly hear him.

I glare at him for a second, not wanting to accept his help but eventually deciding it's better than losing marks for not paying attention. 

"Seven." I answer confidently, smiling a fake, yet convincing smile.

The teacher looks surprised. "Very good Miss. McLean."

She continues the lesson and I go back to glaring at Jason. He has the nerve to smile at me!

Glancing at the teacher to make sure she's still engrossed in her incredibly boring lecture I lean over to Jason "just 'cause I let you help me doesn't mean I like you!" I hiss.

He looks a little taken aback and I see a flash of hurt in his eyes. "I'm sorry." Hes whispers, "I didn't mean to offend you."

Ugh. Even when I'm being a bitch to him he's nice. How perfect is he.

"Whatever" I grumble, "and thanks, I guess."

"No problem." He grins.

I huff and turn back to the teacher letting my mind wander again. Thoroughly ignoring Jason for the rest of the period.

40 minutes later the bell rings and I gratefully swing my bag over my shoulder and rush out of class. I allow myself to be carried along by the throng of people in the hallways, trusting that Annabeth will be able to find me like she usually does. 

I see her curly mop of light blonde curls coming from the direction of the library. As i'm About to call out to her, who approaches me but the perfect annoyance Jason Grace.

He smiles at me, an annoyingly perfect smile. The nerve! 

"Hey Piper I-"

"Shut it!" I snap, interrupting and shoving past him as I stomp into the cafeteria. Somewhere behind me I hear Annabeth apologizing for my rudeness. I wish she wouldn't, I regret nothing. 

Ink and Bruises (Heroes of Olympus Soulmates AU)Where stories live. Discover now