LVIII. Until Dawn

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SONG: Jenny of Oldstones by Florence + The Machine

TW: mentions of suicide

TW: mentions of suicide

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"Jaime fucking Lannister," Robb shook his head in a low whistle, unsure whether to be amused or abhorred by the man's sudden arrival. The last time he and Fianna had seen the Kingslayer, he was trapped in a cage, covered in his own shit. Now, he was willingly coming to them. And alone, at that.

"He's either a fool or a distraction," Fianna agreed, the two walking side by side to the Great Hall where Ser Jaime was to be placed in front of themselves, and Daenerys by default, for an impromptu trial.

"You've been awfully quiet since last night," he commented with a wry smirk, "I wasn't that awful in bed was I?"

"No, it's the only reason we're still together," she teased with a breathy chuckle, hoping her comment would distract him from what was really on her mind. Robb and Fianna had made an agreement once never to keep a secret, which was exactly why she had planned on telling him today about Jon. Too many a time she had let a secret come between them, she felt she could trust him with this one.

Jon had stormed past her after the revelation in the crypts, sulking off to his chambers to be in solitude. She guessed he wouldn't be joining Daenerys in bed that night. It wasn't that she had particularly wanted to speak with Jon about their newfound connection, but Bran's words still rang in her mind.

Everyone was already waiting by the time they arrived, all eyes on a rather sour looking Daenerys and a sullen Jaime Lannister. They didn't begin until the Northern King and Queen sat down.

"A trial is the last thing on people's minds right now," Fianna spoke after a beat of silence, "but it's either listen to what the Kingslayer has to say or let a free-for-all happen. I'm sure one or two, or half a dozen of us, have reasons to want this man dead."

"I'd like to go first," Daenerys drily requested from beside her, eyes as fiery as her dragon's throats. She took a second to stare him down longer, before opening her mouth. "When I was a child, my brother told me a bedtime story about the man who murdered our father. Who stabbed him in the back and cut his throat. Who sat down on the throne and watched his blood spill across the floor. We also talked about all the things we would do to that man when we took back the Seven Kingdoms and had him in our grasp."

Fianna's nose twitched, finding Daenerys' anger a little misplaced. Of all the despicable things the Lannister man did, even solely to the Starks, his slaying of Aerys Targaryen was something she didn't hate him for. And she knew Robb felt the same.

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