LXIV. Inconspicuous Infiltration

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SONG: Paint it Black by Ciara

SONG: Paint it Black by Ciara

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The final week of traveling had pushed the newfound crevice in Robb and Fianna's marriage to cracking point. The argument was petty and irrelevant, both were aware. But they were Northerners - stubborn was in their blood. Robb refused to take back his qualms about her state of mind, but his reservations were purely out of concern. Having teetered on the line between sanity and losing one's mind before, he didn't want his wife to suffer at the hands of her own mentality. Fianna, on the other hand, had been offended by his insinuations, thinking them to be accusatory rather than based on genuine concern.

For the night, they were situated along one of the rivers that led directly to Blackwater Bay. It was the eve before Fianna and her group of infiltrators would ride onward ahead of the vanguard for King's Landing, and they were no closer to reconciling their differences before night fell.

Seated on a rock next to the river, the only sounds other than lapping water she could hear was the scrapes of a rock against her blade. Fianna was attempting to sharpen it before the morning, the sword visibly losing its sheen and sharp edges from years of use.

"Usually it's me that's brooding on my lonesome," a deep voice sounded out from behind her, startling her enough to jump in her place, but she didn't turn to greet its owner. Fianna knew from the thickly accented voice it could only have been Jon, and if nothing else - his comment about brooding was surely definitive.

"Well we are cousins," she breathed a chuckle, setting down the rock and resting her hands on the hilt of Wolfsbane. "Perhaps we've finally found a common trait."

Jon nodded with a silent smirk, casting a thoughtful gaze out to the water before returning his eyes to Fianna as he sat alongside her.

"I would have thought if we had something in common it would be the dark curly hair," he shrugged, pushing his own Valyrian sword out of the way. "Or the beard."

"Oi," she shoved his shoulder, laughing all the same. It was rather peculiar how they looked so little alike, with eyes both equally grey and hair as dark as dirt. Then again, Jon's features were consistent with the Starks, while Fianna favoured her mother's lineage. If the Queen were to look like him, it would be rather worrisome considering her marriage to a Stark. Nevertheless, Jon didn't echo any of his true father's features at all it seemed. Even Fianna and Daenerys shared small similarities, such as their face shape and the curve of their lips. Whereas Jon had none.

Considering his discomfort upon learning his lover was actually his relative, perhaps that wasn't such a bad thing.

"I hear you and Robb are having a lover's quarrel," he waggled his eyebrows, giving her shoulder a light nudge with his own. Admittedly, his actions were rather off-putting for Fianna, who had never seen the man so comfortable around her. Jon was a rather stoic man - cool and collected and rarely showing his true emotions. Now, he was bantering with Fianna as if they were close friends.

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