LXV. The Three Queens

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SONG: Counting Bodies Like Sheep by A Perfect Circle

SONG: Counting Bodies Like Sheep by A Perfect Circle

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The guards along the wall weren't at all suspicious when it came to pretty ladies carting baskets of food for them to divulge in.

The squadron of twenty had been divided into their pairs once more, filling twenty baskets with wildfire and twenty baskets with fruit stolen from the locals. In cases where their thievery was caught in the act, Fianna would pay the merchant for the fruit. The food was purely distraction, with the Northern Queen believing her ladies to be less suspicious when one of their baskets were without lids - ripe and juicy fruit visibly poking out the top.

Pairs were tasked with approaching the commanding guard at divisions along the wall, giving the excuse that they wanted to 'gift the men protecting their city'. One woman carted the fruit, the other holding the wildfire. Both partners were then told to distract the guards from opening the baskets, which would be placed as close as possible to the scorpions. When the signal would sound - the chime of the city's bells that rang once every hour, the wick would be lit and the ladies would have approximately two minutes to get out of dodge.

Five of the guards allowed them past without question, three guards required a little persuasion and two outright refused to allow anyone climb to the top of the wall. For one of the two that rejected them, Arya stepped up to the plate - her evasive hidden talent coming to light as she shifted into a guard the commander would recognise.

"I can't go up with you," Fianna sighed impatiently, eyes anxiously darting around  the alleyway in fear of getting caught. "You have to be careful."

"Save your doting for your husband," she smirked teasingly, voice sounding more provocative coming from the guard she had killed and now somehow possessed the appearance of. With that final comment, Arya hauled one basket in hand and a bucket of arrows in the other. Just to add to the effect. It wouldn't be enough - of course. Fianna truly hadn't expected Cersei Lannister to have placed quite so many scorpions along the wall.

She estimated there were around forty to fifty in total, her group of infiltrators would only manage to knock out about nine. Perhaps eighteen, if the blasts were powerful. Fianna had never worked with the substance before, and had no idea how expansive its combustion would be.

Fianna Stark hated King's Landing, she decided. It was the biggest place she had ever visited in her life, but it was rife with squalor. The smell of shit lingered in the air, probably due to the fact that the contents of chamber pots filled with waste were not buried as they had been back in Winterfell - but rather thrown out windows onto the street below. Why anyone would want to rule the city, she'd never understand. For a place as hot as it was, it lost the charm and warmth that the Northern towns possessed.

Inching her hand down, Fianna whipped out the dagger from her boot, allowing her ragged cloak to fall from her shoulders onto the pavement below. It was only a matter of minutes before all hell broke loose, and she longed for her longsword in hand.

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