LXVII. For Everything A Reason

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SONG: To Build a Home by The Cinematic Orchestra

SONG: To Build a Home by The Cinematic Orchestra

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The Unsullied swept back through the ruins of King's Landing, as ordered as ever despite the obvious disorder around them. Daenerys flew over the wreckage on the back of Drogon, a vast shadow of her dragon cast on the destroyed buildings beneath them. Occasionally, she could just about make out the sight of retreating figures, sprinting in every direction to get away from both her and the Unsullied. No doubt about it, the people would blame her and her armies for the wildfire after what the infiltrators had done. Damage control would be a necessity, no doubt, but Daenerys was so close to the forged metal of the iron throne she cared little for the logistics of maintaining it.

The sting of Jon and Fianna's betrayal was still a fresh wound that cut heavy on her heart, but it didn't stop her from progressing onward. There was still a chance - the scorpions were gone, and even with only a single dragon Daenerys could have wiped out the rest of the Lannister army by herself. The nearer she got to the gates of the Red Keep, although, she began to see that the placement of the explosions had been somewhat strategic. Noticeably, the buildings surrounding the walls of the Red Keep were completely untouched, and seemed to have a constant line of people flooding inside seeking safety.

The new forces that had surged outward from the safety of the castle walls didn't extend as far as she was led to believe, as they remained just outside of the gates and away from the damage. One would think they were merely there to stop anyone breaching the Red Keep, but Daenerys knew better. The houses were left free from explosive damage as they were an extra line of defence. If the Dragon Queen wanted to use Drogon to end the battle once and for all, she'd be killing dozens of innocent people to do so.

She stayed airborne until the Unsullied had reached the Lannister fleet, two opposing forces and styles of fighting meeting with a clash of swords against spears. Cersei's soldiers were heavily clad in armour, whilst Daenerys' were free from restraints and able to move quicker without the added weight. The former of the two fought ferociously, desperate to win and protect the Queen that they were either loyal to, or paid to be loyal to - the latter fought with a precise form and technique. The Unsullied had been trained since childhood to fight, and it could be argued a single man was worth three Westerosi fighters.

Daenerys perched her dragon on the wall of the Red Keep, her eyes firmly set on the castle in front of her. Her whole life had reached this point, and it was within her grasp. She could, at any point, reach out and take it. All she had to do was simply say one word in her mother tongue, and then it wouldn't matter that the Unsullied were perishing beneath her due to being outrageously outnumbered. It wouldn't matter that the Northerners had left, or that she had no one left to fight by her. For she always had Drogon, and that was all she needed now.

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