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By the time it was time to go to lunch, I had already texted Emily about the closet and how Noah asked me to eat lunch with him. I was right; she didn't believe me. Then I asked what lunch she had, because maybe if I had another person eating with me, it might not be so awkward. But she responded with "I have second lunch :/" then followed by, "Well I guess you'll have to introduce me another time". I typed "Ok" and jokingly rolled my eyes.

With my lunchbox in hand, I walked down to the cafeteria with the rest of my class. Here goes nothing, I thought. As soon as I went through the doors, I looked searched the room for Noah but couldn't find him. He must be in the line, I thought, so I picked a random, empty table in the corner.

A few seconds later, I see Noah emerge from a group of noisy girls and walk over to me. I couldn't stop myself from smiling; a small part of me had been afraid he would ditch me. He puts his lunch on the table and sits down.

"Hey!" he said.

"Hey!" a few seconds of awkward silence pass, and I start to freak out. Say something, now. "So, how your day been so far?"

He laughed. "Not gonna lie, it's been pretty crazy,"

Well of course it has, that was such a stupid question. I'm so stupid, ugh!! I forced laughter through my embarrassment. "Haha me too."

"Although I did almost kill myself, I'd say this day hasn't been that bad," he stated. "After all, I got to see you."

Okay, now I really couldn't stop myself from smiling. I was so happy we were becoming friends again.

"Just out of curiosity, what were you doing in the closet?" he asked.

"My art teacher told me to get some paints from there," I replied.

"Oh, okay. I mean, it doesn't really surprise me that you were in an art closet though." he said.

What? He remembers that I like art, too? Then I realized I  was staring at him. Oh crap, stop it!! He noticed. "You still paint, right?" he asked nervously.

"Oh, um, yeah," I responded, also nervously. I swear, if he asks to see my paintings-

"Do you have any pictures of them?"

Are you kidding me??! My brain went into panic mode, but I did my best to remain calm. "Uh...sure." I pulled out my phone and went to the paintings album on my photos app. I handed it to him, and started to sweat as he scrolled through them. I sat there, waiting in apprehension, for him to finish.

He looked at me and smiled. "These are amazing, [y/n]." 

He's got to be lying, but whatever. "Thanks."

I think he sensed my disbelief. "Really, you're amazing."

I blushed a little bit. Was he serious? I hope so. "Thank you. It means a lot."

"You should really enter some of these in an art contest or something, if there's one around here...Is there?"

"Yeah the school district does one every year for all the schools in the county."

"Have you done it before?"

"I did once, a couple years ago, but I didn't win."

"And think of how much you've improved since then. You should totally do it."

I know he was only being nice, but maybe I should do it anyway. "Sure. Why not?"

"Yes!" He was grinning. "So, when is it?"

"I'm pretty sure it's in December."

"Cool. I'll be there. Do you know what painting you're going to enter?"

There's no way I'd win with one of my current paintings. "I'll probably paint something new," I said. But what? I have no idea.

"Oh, okay," he replied.

And then we talked for what seemed like forever, even though it was only 30 minutes. We talked about our favorite memories of elementary school, and about school now. We sat there, just the two of us, laughing and reminiscing, making up for lost time.

There was one subject, though, that he avoided: himself. I thought that was unusual; since he obviously had a life much more interesting than mine. He's probably just being humble. He's nice like that.

When those thirty minutes were over, he walked me out of the cafeteria and back to class, neither of us wanting to end our conversation. Suddenly, the noise of the shrill, two-minute warning bell filled the hallway, interrupting us.

"Hey, [y/n], can I have your number?" he asked.

I tried not to freak out, but I totally was. "[y/p/n]" I recited, a little too excited.

"Thanks, I'll text you later! Bye!" he called as he walked away.

I walked back to class with a spring in my step and a smile on my face. This was the best first-day in a long time.

𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐨𝐫 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐢𝐬𝐭 - noah schnappWhere stories live. Discover now