t w e n t y t w o

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   As we walked downstairs, the smell of pasta and spices filled the air around us. We turned the corner and walked into the dining room. There, Chloe and her friend, Nicole sat beside each other at the table while Mr. Schanpp helped Mrs. Schnapp serve the food.

   Me and Noah picked the two chairs across from Chloe and Nicole, and sat down. Eventually, dinner was served and Noah's parents joined us at the ends of the table.

   I took at bite of the pasta. It was worth all the waiting; it was delicious. "It's great, Mrs. Schnapp." I said. Everyone nodded in agreement.

   The dinner conversation topics were pretty normal. Mrs. Schnapp asked the four of us about school, what classes were fun and which were boring. Chloe mentioned that Nicole was a dancer, and we talked about that for a while.

   Then Chloe said, "[y/n], Noah tells me you like to paint."

   I was caught off guard. "Uhh, yeah, I do."

   So, we talked about my art for a while. It was a little weird, but it felt good to be the center of attention for once. Especially when people seemed interested in my art.

   After I told them about my paintings, there was a moment of silence. Then, Chloe asked, "[y/n], aren't you and Noah dating?"

I froze.

What did she just ask?

   I looked around at everyone, and they were all staring at me. I could feel my face getting redder by the second. Noah's dad's eyes were now looking at the ground, Nicole dropped her fork on the plate, and Mrs. Schnapp's mouth was wide open in astonishment.

   I then looked at Noah, who was mouthing something to Chloe that I couldn't understand. He looked just as embarrassed as I was. He then looked at me. It was the same look he'd given me on the balcony.

   I couldn't say that we were just friends. That wouldn't be true.

   I knew what I wanted to say, and I wanted to be the one to say it.

   Noah still looked nervous. Was he afraid I was going to say no? Then, I smiled, and the worried expression on his face melted away. He smiled back at me.

   Still looking into his eyes, I said,


   I then looked back at Chloe. She had a smug look on her face, as if she knew I was going to say yes all along.

   Mrs. Schnapp then got up from her chair and said, "Time to cut the cake." We all got up from our seats and put our plates in the sink while she retrieved a large cake platter from the fridge. She brought it over to the table and we all sat down. Noah traded seats with his mom so he could sit by Chloe (for pictures and blowing out birthday candles), but I was still sitting beside him.

   The two-tiered cake was iced with blue frosting and had the words "Happy Birthday Chloe And Noah" spelled out in white. Mrs. Schnapp took some candles out of a package and stuck them around the top of the first tier while Mr. Schnapp took videos and pictures of his kids with a camera.

   "Okay, now [y/n] and Nicole, get in the picture!" he said. Nicole and I got out of our seats and joined the group. I stood behind Noah and gave him a hug as the camera flashed. Then we sang Happy Birthday and the two blew out their candles.

   Noah was right, Mrs. Schnapp's cake was delicious. It was chocolate, the twins' favorite.

   By 7:25, the party was over. Nicole had left, Chloe went up to her room, and Noah's parents were cleaning up the kitchen. Noah took my hand and led me up to his balcony again. By now, night had fallen and hundreds of twinkling stars hung in the sky.

   "About what happened with Chloe," Noah said, "I didn't know she would do that. I was going to ask you out myself, but-"

   "You resorted to kissing me instead?"

   He laughed. "I had to know that you felt the same way."

   "So...you planned out the whole scene beforehand?" I asked. I could tell I caught him off guard, and it was cute.

   "Well...yes. I was supposed to do it after dinner, originally. But I mean, the whole dinner-won't-be-ready-for-a-while thing was working at the time. Also, I know you like sunsets from all the ones you've painted, so..."

   "Well, aren't you romantic," I teased.

   He laughed again. "Just you wait. I'm gonna plan a real date soon, and maybe I can kiss you, you know, without being interrupted."

   "I look forward to that," I said with a smile.

   Just then I heard a car pull into the driveway. "That must be my mom," I said.

   "Goodnight, [y/n]."

   "Goodnight, Noah," I whispered, then kissed him on the cheek. "And happy birthday."


I wasn't sure if this was the direction I wanted to go in but I thinks it's okay. idk. sorry for being cringey again!

𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐨𝐫 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐢𝐬𝐭 - noah schnappWhere stories live. Discover now