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   The next two classes went by extremely slow, mostly because we were doing boring stuff, but also because I was literally counting down the minutes until the end of the school day. At last, the final bell rang, and I rushed out of the building onto the bus. As usual, Emily was waiting for me in our normal seat. She was grinning like the Cheshire Cat, and was looking at me with that I-told-you-so stare.

   "What?!" I sarcastically replied, also with a grin.

   She burst out laughing. "See, I told you it would happen!"

   "Alright, fine, you told me so!" I said as I sat down.

   "So...when's the first date?"

   "Haha, very funny. No, we're just friends."

   She stared at me with that look again, arching her eyebrows and tilting her head. "Are you sure?"

   "Yes," I stated. I was 99% certain.

   "Ok then...So, tell me about lunch," Emily requested. I replayed the scene inside my head and explained it out loud to her. "So he has your number now?"

   "Yeah," I said as the bus stopped in front of my driveway.

   "Tell me as soon as he texts you!" she called as I stood up.

   "I will! Bye!" I called back.

   When I got off the bus, I walked inside my house and sat my school things on my bed. I was right, that was a weird day. I laid down on the bed and stared at the ceiling for a bit. Then, my eyes lingered over to my ukulele sitting on my shelf.

   I asked for it last year for my birthday, but I had started getting really good this summer. Like painting, it was another way to express my thoughts in the way I felt most comfortable: art.

   I sat up, walked to the shelf, and picked it up. I strummed the strings to check if it needed to be tuned. The sound was fine, probably since I'd tuned it the day before last. I sat criss-crossed on the floor and finger-picked the strings, playing a random chord pattern.

   I usually needed the music to clear my thoughts when I was stressed, but today was just too weird to not think about. Of course, the situation with Noah was really the only weird thing about today, so naturally, my mind wandered there.

   How does he still remember me? That was such a long time ago. And he was so nice about everything. Was Emily right? Does he like me? No. No way. Do I like him?

   Just then, I heard a buzz from my phone...


I'm sorry that the Noah moments are kinda scarce rn, but I PROMISE there will be some super good ones so STAY TUNED :)

𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐨𝐫 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐢𝐬𝐭 - noah schnappWhere stories live. Discover now