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september 4, 2019, wednesday

"Not I, believe me:" Noah recited. "You have dancing shoes with nimble soles: I have a soul of lead, so stakes me to the ground I cannot move."

"You are a lover;" I read in Mercurio's voice. "Borrow Cupid's wings, and soar with them above a common bound."

Noah was forcing back a smile, trying to keep a straight face. He told me that was one of the hardest parts of acting. "I am too sore enpierced with his shaft. To soar with light feathers, and so bound, I cannot bound a pitch above dull woe: Under love's heavy burden do I sink."

"And, to sink in it, should you burden love; To great oppression for a tender thing." Now I was having trouble keeping a straight face.

"Is love a tender thing? It is too rough, too rude, too boisterous, and it pricks like a thorn." Noah was full on smiling.

"If love be rough with you, be rough with love; Prick love for pricking and you beat love down. Give me a case to put my visage in: A visor for a visor! What care I, what curious eye doth both deformities? Here are the beetle brows shall blush for me." I finished my dramatic line, and Noah looked over at me. I looked at him, and we both burst out laughing.

After finally catching my breath, I said, "Noah, you better not do this in the audition!"

He was still laughing. "I won't, I promise!"

I jokingly rolled my eyes. "When is the audition again?"

"This Friday."

"That's in two days!"

"What? I'll be ready for it, I promise!"

I raised my eyebrows and gave him an I'm-not-convinced look.

"Are you gonna be there?" He asked.


"Okay, good"

Then I remember asking Noah about the party. "Hey, so every year we have this pool party thing, and I was wondering if you'd like to come. We're thinking about having it September 14th. It'll probably be boring: it's just gonna be me and my friends and-"

"Sure!" He responded. It surprised me how enthusiastic he was.

"Okay!" I said. It was almost time to go back to class, so we started packing up and leaving the courtyard. "Oh...and...my mom says she wants to meet you again. I don't know, she's just a little strict and sometimes she can be-"

"Okay, what day were you thinking?"

"Uh, maybe after the auditions Friday, if you aren't doing anything..."

"I hadn't planned on doing anything anyway, so yeah, good idea." We stepped into the hallway.

"Um, okay...See you tomorrow!"

"Okay, bye [y/n]!" he called as we parted ways.

𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐨𝐫 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐢𝐬𝐭 - noah schnappWhere stories live. Discover now