t w e n t y

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october 3, 2019, thursday

I walked into my room with the brand new canvas I had just bought. I'm not going to screw this one up, I thought.

A few weeks ago I had painted over my first screw-up with white paint, and tried again the next couple days. That attempt, again, failed. Out of anger, and because I didn't want to paint over it again and waste my white paint, I had tossed it straight into the garbage can.

It takes a lot to frustrate me, but when it does, I snap. It's not a pretty sight.

With new determination, I set the blank canvas on my easel and get to work. I gather up all the paint colors I plan to use and grab my container of brushes. I fill a cup with water to wash the brushes and got paper towels just in case of spills. I started mixing the paint to create the hues I needed for the face.

I had a vision in mind, and nothing was going to stop me from completing this painting...

...except Noah's dinner party.

After just 15 minutes of painting I hear my moms voice call from downstairs, "Are you almost ready, [your name]? We have to leave soon to get to the Schapps' house on time!"

I panicked. Of course, I hadn't kept track of time and wasn't ready at all. "Uhh, yes!" I called back to her. "I just need to put my shoes on!"

I ran to the closet and practically tore off my clothes. I threw on a random pair of jeans and my favorite shirt, and grabbed some sandals. I retrieved my phone from off the desk and rushed downstairs. Mom was waiting by the door, her car keys already in hand.

"Ready?" she asked. I nodded. "Okay, lets go."

I put my shoes and smoothed my hair down in the car. During the drive, I started getting nervous.

Yes, we both know that we like each other. And it was clear that we both didn't know what to do about it, since we haven't spoken a word about the almost-kiss at my house. And it had almost been a month since then. We continued to eat lunch and read his lines together, but that was more of a friendship thing, right?

Maybe that night meant nothing at all. I mean, he never spoke about it again. We both kinda acted like it didn't even happen. In my mind, I replayed the events that happened that night. Then I remembered that he winked at me before he left. How could I forget that? So does that mean he likes me?

Wait, was I the one being confusing? Maybe he thinks that I'm avoiding the topic on purpose. I guess when you look at it from his perspective, it does seem that way. But it isn't true, I'm just terrible at confrontation.

I have to do something. Something to show him that I feel the same. But what?

Pretty soon, we pulled up to their driveway.

It had been forever since I'd seen the Schnapps' house, but the memories slowly started coming back to me. He would always have his birthday parties in the dining room. In the summer we would play in the backyard. On snow days we would build snowmen, then come inside and watch movies in his living room.

My mom parked the car. "Remember to mind your manners."

"I know," I said.

"Maybe try talking for once. Be friendly."

"I know!"

"I'll pick you up at 7:30, okay?"

"Okay." I opened the car door and stepped out. "Bye!" I called as I shut the door. My mom waved goodbye and drove away.

I walked up to the front door and knocked, waiting apprehensively. Seconds later, the door opened.


i know Noah actually lives in NYC or somewhere close to that so his house probably doesn't have a backyard or a driveway but...idk. where I live, most houses look like what I described so visioned his house looking like that too.     :|    haha oh well

𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐨𝐫 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐢𝐬𝐭 - noah schnappWhere stories live. Discover now