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You're everything

Three months later *Corbyns POV*

It's been three months. The three best months of my life. Living with Jordyn and Mrs. Diaz has been the best. And the boys and Sarah don't bully us. And ugh, Jordyn, oh my god. Jordyn. She's so beautiful and funny and just the most caring person in the world. I fall in love with her more and more every day. I just don't have the balls to tell her how I feel...

*Jordyns POV*

Man. Having Corbs and Jax here has been the best. My mom loves them too. And silver loves Jax😂. Me and Corbyn are going mini golfing, just because it's something to do. 


"I suck at mini golfing."

'No you don't. It takes practice.'

"No. I just REALLY suck."

'I'll make you a bet. Winner buys ice cream?'



"I lost. Looks like you're buying me ice cream Corbs."

'Fine. Come on.'

It was getting kinda dark, and cold. Corbyn noticed I was cold.

'Take my jacket.'

"No. You need it."

'You need it more than I do. Besides, what kind of person would I be if I didn't give you my jacket. It's called chivalry.'

"It's called being hard headed."

After what seemed like forever, I finally took the jacket.

'See. Now you're warm. Lets go get your ice cream.'


*Narator POV*

After a while, they decided to head back home. Jordyn was walking on the ledge of a wall, Corbyn walking on the sidewalk below. They were just talking and Jordyn was doing random things. She twirled and slipped. She fell off the wall. She braced for impact, but that was before she felt a pair of strong arms break her fall. She looked up to meet a pair of grey-blue eyes. He leaned in, and she did as well.

*Jordyns POV*

When we kissed, it felt like sparks. Like nothing else in the world. Like it was just me and him. Our lips parted, but we stayed held on to each other. Then, something I never thought would happen, happened. "I-I l-love you J-Jordyn."

I was shocked. At first it didn't register that he was talking to me. Or talking period. I thought it was all in my head. Then it hit me. "Oh my god! Corbyn! You spoke!" I kissed him again. "I love you, too, Corbs."

He kissed me. "Say something else?"

"You're r-really p-pretty. B-Beautiful. M-More than b-beautiful. You're everything."

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