Ouija: The Mark It Left

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Tom's POV:

Edd: "what."
Matt: "was."
Tord & me: "that."

Matt hurringly opens the front door and swings it open, the pouring rain splashing onto the ground viciously, feasting onto the ground like a pack of wild animals to prey.

Outside was foggy, and cold.
The wind sent shivers up my spine.
Then, we all saw it.
Edd and Tord gasped, but Matt stood in shock.
I couldn't see it well.
Edd covered my "eyes," his hands are so cold.
"Oh my god..Tom! Don't look!" Edd said to me worryingly.
I hear someone throwing up, so I pull Edd's hands away, and see Matt vomiting all over the ground.
Edd flinches, but I comfort Matt immediately.
"Matt..?" I ask worried, Matt looks at me, fear in his eyes.
"Ugh...guys..go inside...now.." Matt says, and couches slightly, holding himself up by his hands on his legs. He vomits again, and gasps for air.
"Are you okay?" I ask.
Matt nods his head, and covers his mouth.
"G-Go, inside..now.." Matt says.
Edd rushes me and Tord inside, us all being soaked and worried.
"What's going on?" I ask concerned. Tord looks at me worried, and covers his mouth.
"That poor girl.." Tord mutters.
My eyes widen.
"Girl? What girl? The nun?" I ask Tord quickly. Tord looks at me, his body slightly trembling.
"That poor girl.." Tord says again, his eyes watering.
"She was only here for a second..we hardly knew her, and she...s-she...." Tord pauses, and covers his face.
"Her life wouldn't be taken away if it wasn't for us!" Tord says, shaking and collapses onto his knees, crying into his hands uncontrollably.
I gasp, and sit down, at his side.
"Hey, It's going to be okay! Please don't cry.." I say worringly and hug Tord tightly.
I look up at Edd, and he just looks at me with a scared impression.
"I..." Edd says, sounding shocked.
"I'll go call somebody.." Edd says, and runs over to the kitchen.
I sit there, Tord crying in my arms.

I..I dont know what to do!

Matt came through the door, a bit of drool dripping down his face. He looked tired, and sick.
"Matt?" I ask him quietly, gesturing to Tord.
"N-Not now, Tom.." Matt said, stumbling and shivering over to the bathroom.
"He must be so cold.." I mumble under my breath.
Tord sobs harder in my arms, he clutches tightly onto my sleeve, slightly pinching my skin.
I start gently rubbing his back to comfort him with my free arm.
"Heyy, heyy..it's going to be okay.." I say calmly. Tord looks up at me, tears staining his face, his eyes red and wet.
"Nothing is okay about this! *hic* I..I can't believe it, Tom..I-I
*pant* I.." Tord struggles to breathe normally, it's just hics and sobs. I hug Tord even tighter.
"Just focus on breathing for now, okay Tord?"
Tord looks at me, and wipes his eyes, and nods.
He finally starts to almost breathe somewhat normal, and then I see Edd pace into the living room, and sit on the couch. He's on his phone, and looks really worried.
"Yeah...thank you so much." Edd says, and hangs up the phone.

A few minutes later, police sirens can be heard outside, and Edd lightly pulls back the slightly ripped curtains. Edd covers his mouth, and looks away suddenly.
I get curious, and ruffle up Tord's hair playfully before standing up and looking out the curtain.
Two cop cars, and an ambulance are outside accross the street. Their sirens blare, and a woman is carried into the ambulance...

Oh..oh no.

The woman looks to have several broken bones in her legs and arms, blood on her torso and mouth, and her once shiny blue eyes were dark and empty.

"Tom.." Edd says to me quietly.
"Why.." I say shocked.
"What...what happened?" I turn to face Edd, worried for her health.
Edd had a worried look on his face, and shut the curtain.
"I don't know.." Edd says, sighing deeply.
He walked over to the couch and sat down, one hand on his head, brushing his fingers across his hair, which was a tangled mess.
He didn't look like he slept well in a long time.
"Are you..okay?" I ask hesitantly.
"I will be." Edd sighs.
Loud vomiting can be heard from the bathroom, and Edd covers his face with his hands.
"Can you go check if Matt's okay..?" Edd said, his voice tired and breaking.
"Uh..sure." I say, and walk off to the bathroom.

The bathroom door is slightly opened, so I open it all the way. Matt is sitting on the bathroom floor, vomiting into the toilet.
"Matt!" I say as I hurry over to him. I sit next to Matt on the bathroom floor and pull back long hairs in his face. He stops puking and pants for a few seconds.
Matt screams, his hands shaking.
I gasp and flinch, getting startled.
"Matt..?" I ask confused.
"AAAAAAAAHHHHHHH" Matt screams again, putting his hands on his head.
"TOM!" Matt said, still being loud, turned to me.
I nod, very confused and worried.
"What..?" I ask quietly.
"ANOTHER CAR CAME AFTER HER, SHE WAS ALMOST ALRIGHT BUT I SAW HER GO-" Matt takes his hands off his head and predends to make an explosion effect with his hands.
"BLINK! JUST LIKE THAT! GONE!" Matt says, and then he falls backwards onto the ground.
"Just. Fucking. Gone." Matt covers his face and sighs deeply.
I look at him worryingly, and gently lay myself down on the ground with him, looking up at the ceiling.
"I never saw m a person die before, Tom. Only in the movies I have." Matt says quietly.
"I never wanted to see someone die.." Matt removes his hands from his face and looks up at the ceiling.
"Is that why you threw up?" I ask curiously. Matt nods.
"Yeah. It just shocked me so badly that I got sick to my stomach." Matt says, and chuckles.

"Ohh Tom.." Matt says.
"And this is only the beginning.."
I look at Matt confused.
"What do you mean?" I ask.
"The priest comes tomorrow, and we have no money to rent another hotel." Matt says.

"We have to stay here the night."

I look at Matt worringly.
"And..how will we do that?" I ask nervously.
"We survive." Matt says, and sits upright, and I do too.
We sit in silence for a few seconds.
"But, after tonight, everything will be okay, alright Tom?" Matt says, turning to me and smiling.
"Yeah." I say, filled with confidence.

But worry still clouded my head..

Eddsworld Opposite day AU: Ouija board experience.Where stories live. Discover now