Ouija: Stop Pretending Like I Don't Care

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Edd's POV:

"What the hell was all that about!?" Matt said defensively.
Matt and I were outside, it was lightly raining and was foggy, and very cold.
"What's with the secrets?!" I shouted back at Matt.
"Is it some sort of tease? I can't just be calm after all this, Matt!"
Matt looked surprised, and kinda scared, he closed his mouth and stepped back a bit.
"You haunted my house, you killed my cat, you keep driving us place to place, thinking god knows what, if they're is even a fucking god!" I said, shaking from the anxiety and cold weather. Matt's eyes looked helplessly into mine, he seemed so devoid of any positive feeling.
He just stood there.
"I need to be prepared for anything, Matt!" I continued.
"Just...tell me."

What was he thinking..?
Was I too harsh?
Oh god no..I probably hurt him so bad..
I should know that he's not enjoying any of this either!
God, I'm such an idiot!

Matt looks at the ground slowly, and he weakly holds his other arm.
"I'm sorry, Edd." Matt says after a few seconds of silence.
I felt so horrible..
"N-No..I.." I stuttered, I wanted to take back everything.
Matt stopped me.
"It's fine." Matt says, trying to make eye contact but just couldn't.
Matt takes a deep breath and closes his eyes.
He combs his hair back lightly with his fingers, and he opens his eyes slowly, not looking away from the ground.
"I don't tell you these things because I know they'll just make you concerned." Matt says.
He suddenly looks into my eyes, his eyes filled with pain.
"You're acting like you need to do something about all this, but I did this. I did all of this, you even said it yourself, and I'm trying to fix it, but keeping you guys safe at the same time." Matt continues.
I felt like I wanted to break down, but I kept my mouth shut and my eyes sturdy.
"I caused all of this, but I keep trying to be all calm about it because someone has to mature around here, you honestly think I'm not panicking as well?" Matt added.
My heart felt as it was aching,

"Just..don't worry." Matt says, and looks quickly away from my eyes.
He turned his body away from me and breathed steadily.
"Come on.." Matt mumbled, and walked into the restaurant.

My eyes watered, and I sniffed a bit, but I quickly wiped my eyes and took a deep breath before going back inside.

I walked back inside with Matt and sat down next to Tord, not saying a word.
I wanted to look at Matt, or just apologize, but I couldn't do it.
A waiter walked up to us and asked what we wanted.
I looked up at him, he seemed to be in his teens. He had Braces, shaggy blonde hair with the tips blue, and blue eyes. He was wearing a uniform, a white and red stripped suit with a black bowtie and a small white paper hat.
"Are you guys ready to order yet?" The waiter asked us.
All of us nodded.
The ordering was mostly easy, he asked what we wanted.
Basically all of us ordered the same thing, fish and chips, with different drinks and different dipping sauces.

I didn't want my phone to die out, so I gently placed it on the table, staring at the napkins and thinking.
Tom looks at me worryingly, and pokes my face.
I ignore him, but he just does it again.
And again.
And again..
And. Again...

I sit up and look at Tom.
"What?" I asked annoyed.
Tom reaches out his arm, and places his elbow on the table.

"Let's arm wrestle!" Tom says cheerfully.
I look at him, clearly confused.
Although, it's better than nothing.
I sigh, and place my arm on the table as well.
We both have scrawny arms, so I have no idea who's going to win.
Tom and I hold hands, and try to get his hand down.
This game is..surprisingly difficult..
I groan and wheeze, but eventually my arm slams down.
I lost.
Tom pants, and smiles at me.
"Best out of two?" I ask Tom, panting my words and slam my arm back in position, and shakily hold my hand out to his.
He nods, and we start again.
I try to use all my strength, but all of it goes away very quickly because I get easily tired.
I slowly reach my hand with my other arm but Tord slowly puts it down.
"No cheating, Edd." Tord says calmly, smirking.
"W-Wha..What are you smiling about?" I say out of breath, and all of a sudden,
I lost again.

I stare at my hand in disbelief.
"W-Wait! I got distracted!" I say defensively.
Tom reaches out his arm again, but then the waiter comes with our food so he puts his arm back.
I put my hands on my lap, and the waiter places the food on the table. We thanked him and when he left we started reaching for our food.
The food was in paper baskets with white paper on the bottom of the basket.
I dipped one of my fries in a tiny, plastic cup of ranch, and took a bite.
For an old looking place, at least the food was decent.
I looked around, there wasn't much people in here.
In fact, besides one guy, and the employees, we were the only ones in here.
I found that kinda odd..
Maybe it just wasn't popular?
Eh, I guess because it's cheap, I mean, it's the only thing I could afford right now.
"Uugh..afford.." I mumbled.
"Afford?" Tord asks.
I didn't even realise that he heard me..
"Uh, yeah." I said awkwardly.
"It's just that I'm worried if we have enough money to be doing all this. Gas money, food money, traveling, I'm just concerned of what we're gonna do when we run out." I say to Tord.
Tord nods, and continues eating.

Minutes pass, Matt still hasn't told me where we are going after this, but I guess I have to be ready.

Later on, we finish eating. The rain had completely stopped. We stepped out of the restaurant, and walked through the puddles to the car and we all go inside.
Matt starts the car, we all buckle our seatbelts, and we're off into the road again, exiting the town.
Matt says we're almost there but I don't believe him, theirs nothing for miles.

Where is he taking us..?

Why isn't he telling us what it is?

Eddsworld Opposite day AU: Ouija board experience.Where stories live. Discover now