Ouija: Possession

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Tom's POV:

Edd starts hissing and shaking, trying his hardest to escape the bind, while the rest of us start to panic.
"Crap.." Matt says under his breath.
Edd struggles to break free, his eyes rolled back but they turned completely red like a vampire.
He tried biting at us, but he wasn't close enough.
Tord ran to the kitchen and came back with a chair and more rope.
"This is for extra protection, get him!" Tord said, and set up the chair behind Edd.
Edd scrambles around while Matt, Tord, and I all grab Edd and wrap rope around his waist. He growls, and pushes his stomach forcefully on the tight rope, and his mouth spews black liquid mixed with vomit. We all back off, Edd still angry and barking nonsense. I try kneeling down and making sure he is alright after throwing up, but Tord grabs my arm and pulls me towards him before Edd manages to bite me. Edd hisses and starts to violently shake back and fourth, screaming uncontrollably.

About twenty minutes later, Edd stopped panicking.
He was panting heavily, and looking down at the floor.
I was behind Tord shaking uncontrollably, staring intensely at Edd in fear.
Matt makes a confused face, and looks around the living room, and grabs something off the floor. Tord and I give eachother a weird look, and look back at Matt. Matt turns towards us, a cross necklace in his fist.
"Who's is this?" Matt asks.
"It's..Edd's." I say quietly, pointing at Edd.
Matt turns to look at Edd, and shrugs. He shoves the necklace in his pocket and starts searching for the instructions. Matt then finally pulls it out of the bag, and starts reading it, his face becoming more worried as his eyes scanned the writing.
"Oh no.." Matt said under his breath.
"What's wrong?" I asked.
Matt looks at Edd, and then me.
"We did the ritual wrong." Matt said in disbelief.
He then tossed the instructions to the ground in anger.
"Of course! We can't ever have some hope or peace around here! Or, anywhere for that matter!" Matt shouts angrily.
I flinch, and slowly duck behind Tord in fear.
"We can't do anything right! I can't do anything right! It's always one thing after another!" Matt yells, and then sits on the ground, covering his face.
"All of this is so stupid!" Matt says, and then falls silent.
I look, at Tord, and Edd, and then finally Matt.

I walk towards Matt, and slowly kneel down, placing my hand on his hair, and petting it slowly.
"It's going to be alright, things will get better soon, even if it doesn't look like it." I said hopeful.
Matt looked up at me.
"That's just a hollow promise.." Matt said tiredly.
"It really isn't." I said.
Matt sighs and looks down, his body tenses up.
"If anything, it's your fault.." Matt mumbled.
I stopped petting his hair, and looked at him surprised.
"Yeah, you know what?" Matt said, standing up and looking down at me angerly.
"I specifically told you the rules and you broke them!"
I flinched, and backed up a little, Tord staring at Matt in disbelief.
"I didn't mean to! It was an accident!" I squeaked, I started to get scared.
"Oh sure," Matt said, clenching his fist.
"So, haunting the house, killing Edd's cat, making us move place to place, possessing Edd, was all of that an accident too?" Matt said coldly. My eyes started to water and I struggled to look at Matt.
I shut my mouth and stared down at the ground.
"You never listen! You act so..childish!" Matt said, his words piercing my heart.
I look up at him with an angery expression, and Matt waits patiently for me to say something, his arms crossed.
I couldn't utter a word and winced as I stared at the ground again, tears streaming down my face, but I try to hide them.
Tord steps in and pushes Matt.
"Is this really the time for the blame game?!" Tord says angerly at Matt. Both Matt and I are surprised, Tord never really yells.
"It doesn't matter who did what! We just have to fix this without ripping eachother apart! I'm sick and tired of you getting so mad at everyone, including yourself!" Tord said loudly, Edd starts twitching.
"Can you blame me though?!" Matt says, uncrossing his arms.
"I can't!" Tord says, and then calms down a bit.
"And you shouldn't either." Tord says, before finding the instructions and starts reading them, he pulls back his bangs to the side so he can see clear.
It's so rare that I ever get to see both of his eyes!
Tord quickly reads the instructions and sets everything up again,
The half bottle of vinegar and water, and something grey speckled in it, including the dash of salt.
New candles.
The salt circle slightly fixed (a few specks flew away in all the mess),
And the book that flew across the room.
Tord lit all of the candels, and made us all sit, Edd was growling at him the entire time.
Tord dragged Edd's chair near the circle, inbetween Matt and I.
"What are you doing?" I asked.
"The more the merrier, hold Edd's hands," Tord said, grabbing something else from the bag.
The red thing.
He placed it in the middle and sat in the circle with us, holding my hand.
He then started chanting the words:
"vær borte som du har trengt deg inn, jeg aksepterer ikke essensen din i hjemmet vårt!" But said it alot more fluently.
Matt and I hesitated to hold Edd's hands, even if they were tied to the side of his body. But I ended up doing it, so Matt sighed and did it.

The ground shook, and the curtains flew up again, revealing a loud roar around the house.
Edd started to jerk and twitch his body, and started heaving as Tord kept chanting.
I was too scared to hold his hand but I squeezed as hard as I could so I wouldn't let go.
"Edd! I know you're in there! You're going to be okay!" I said, trying to shout over the chaos that was happening.
The book flew out of Tord's hands, but he managed to remember the words, and kept saying them.
The book flew at Edd's forehead and he exclaimed in pain.
Edd then started to twitch uncontrollably again, and black liquid started to spew from his mouth, onto the ground.
I stared in terror, as the black liquid creature formed again, and stood right behind us, swarming around in a quick pace.
Edd was unconscious, and I held onto his limp hand, trying to find his pulse.

The creature then stopped, and looked in the middle.
The red thing.
Tord stopped chanting and uncovered the cloth that was covering it.
It was a bloody finger.
That wasn't a thing, it was a sacrifice.
The creature growled in hunger, and knelt down like a wolf about to pounce.
"fortsett, spis den," Tord said, and the creature started chomping down on the finger, letting a disturbing crunch sound being heard.
Tord then glanced at Matt.
"The necklace! Now!" Tord yelled, and Matt reached into his pocket and tossed the cross necklace towards Tord, where he caught it and pounced on the creature.
Tord swung the necklace over the creature's neck and started to choke it, they started going around in circles like a bull ride as the creature gagged and spat goo from it's mouth.

Tord tightened his grip, but then got kicked off of the monster, and his body flung into me. We both collapsed to the floor, all the wind being kicked out of me. Tord got up and gave me a worried look, holding my aching body.
"I'm..fine.." I groaned weakly.
All of a sudden, a lasso went around the creature's body, and it was being pinned to the ground by Matt.
Matt looked up in awe, as Edd wasn't unconscious anymore.
Edd has this tired, angry look as he starred daggers at the creature, and walked towards it.
Matt was on top of the creature, and started tightening the necklace around the abomination's black and red liquid gooey neck, looking as it was made of pure muscle. The creature tried to squirm, but Edd's grip on the rope was tight.
Tord and I got up and ran towards the salt circle, and Tord gave me the bottle of vinegar, water, salt, and the grey stuff mixture.
"I'm going to lead them to the circle, pour this onto it when it's in the middle," Tord said, putting his hands on my face, looking into my eyes.
"But what if I mess it up..?" I said grimly, remembering how Matt told me how I messed up everything.
"You won't," Tord said,
"I believe in you."

I smiled, and he nodded at me, and ran towards Matt and Edd, who were nearby the circle.
He called them over to the middle, and I stood and waited.
I was nervous, but I kept repeating his words..

He believes in me, he believes in me..

The monster was finally in the circle and I doused the stuff in the monster's red, piercing eyes.
It roared, and kicked off Edd and Matt, they both fell to the floor, and saw as the monster grew.
It roared in pain, and started to expand larger, like a balloon.

When we thought it couldn't get any larger, there was an earsplitting


The monster exploded, and it's gooey remains went everywhere, the necklace flung at Edd's forehead and he yelps in pain, then catching the broken necklace.
All of us shielded ourselves, and looked around the house.

It was over.

Eddsworld Opposite day AU: Ouija board experience.Where stories live. Discover now