Ouija: Pouring Rain

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Matt's POV:

I grab an umbrella and wait outside with the nun, it's pouring but she refuses to go back inside after what just happened and what she's seen.
I look over at my friends, who are inside, and shrug.
The nun dials a number on her phone and starts to call someone, and I just hold the umbrella.
I then hear a noise near the house and Edd comes over to me, pacing and panting, pointing at the kitchen. He stays silent because of the woman on the phone but he tries desparently to get my attention.
"Not now, Edd." I say quietly at Edd, and he looks taken aback.
The rain pours down on him, getting him soaked, and he takes a few steps back.
Edd runs back to the kitchen, and I watch, as Edd tries to help Tord to make Tom stop crying uncontrollably.
I gasp, and tap on the nun's shoulder, gesturing to the guys. She dismisses me, so I just give her the umbrella and tell her I'll be back.
I carefully walk over the glass, and can see them because they set their flashlights around, so they can see.
I walk over to Tom, and rub his back gently.
"What happened?!" I ask kinda panicked.
"I don't know! Tom just started crying after we were talking to him!" Edd says, starting to hyperventilate.
I stare at them both, scared and confused of what to do.
"Well, what did you say?!" I say panicked, sorta rasing my voice.
Edd grows even more nervous, and breathes faster.
"I-I..I don't know!"
I look at Tord for what to do, but he starts crying as well.

"G-Guys.." I say nervously.
"I uh..please calm down! Oh..dang..I uh..oh god.."
I don't know what to do!
What should I do?!
Who should I get?!
Oh no, oh god, crap, I'm starting to panic.
I look to the nun for help but she isn't even looking at me.
I look back at my friends, and I group hug all of them, trying not to have a panic attack.
"E-Everything's going to be alright, guys..don't cry..don't panic, everything will be okay." I stutter on my words, but I try to say it comfortly to everyone as possible.
Edd hugs back, and slows his breathing, trying his hardest to take deep breaths.
Tom stops crying, but looks at me worryingly.
Tord is still crying, but not as hard as before. Still sniffling and breathing hard with tears down his face. But trying to calm down.

I repeat kind words to my friends, until we all at least seem a little calmer.
Edd glares at the nun outside.
"She doesn't even care..." Edd mumbles underneath his breath.
"She's taking her time to call this..this sham.."
I look at Edd worryingly, and ruffle up his hair.
"Hey, be nice. She's just being professional." I say quietly to Edd.
Edd looks embarrassed that I heard him, and he stops glaring at her, but now looking to the ground nervously.
"Tom," I say to Tom warmly.
Tom looks up at me, dry tears staining his face, and he has small weird patterns of breathing. It's clamed down by now but it still concerns me.
"Why were you crying?" I ask, trying not to worry Tom and make him cry again.
Tom looks at the ground, and walks over to the kitchen counter, and sits down on top it.
"Edd was saying these things..and it really stressed me out.." Tom sighed, looking down at his feet.
I look over at Edd confused, and Edd gives me a nervous look and breaks eye contact immediately.
I look back at Tom.
"What did Edd say?" I say concerned.
Tom looks up at me, fear in his eyes.
"No! It's not his fault! Please don't be mad at him!" Tom pleaded, looking deep into my eyes, scared.


"I never said I'd be mad at him," I said to Tom.
"I just asked what he said."
Tom relaxes a bit, but his eyes remained worried.
"I..uh..he said that.." Tom stuttered.
I walked closer to Tom, and leaned on the counter next to him.
"He said that..things wernt looking well..and he doesn't know if this will be well." Tom says nervously.
"H-He said that if this priest can't help us we'll most likely die..
a-and that scared me.." Tom said, his voice starting to break.
"Are we going to die, Matt..?" Tom asks me, looking into my eyes, his eyes watering up.
I sit there in silence, waiting for him to say something else, but he was waiting for me.

"I uh..no! No, of course not!" I say dismissively.
Tom didn't look satisfied, probably because I didn't sound genuine. But he just smiled, or tried to.
"Okay.." Tom says, trying not to let his voice break.
I look at Tom, and then I glance over at Edd.
Edd was turning away from us, his body trembling, and he's holding his hands nervously.
I sigh, and walk over to him.
"Edd." I say calmly, but Edd flinches and quickly turns around to face me, his body trembling, and his eyes filled with fear.
"I-I..I..uh, look, I d-didn't mean to..um.." Edd stutters, and takes a few steps back.
"P-Please don't be mad at me..I was..no, I am just so..stressed and scared..and I..um..." Edd stutters again, this time he looks weak, trying not to make eye contact. He sweats bullets, and his hands clench onto his sweater.

"Why are you acting like this?" I say confused. Edd looks worried and backs off more.
"I-I don't mean to..I didn't mean for Tom to cry!" Edd says desperately.
"No, I mean, why are you scared of me?" I ask, trying to get close to him but he keeps backing off.
Edd looks at me worryingly, and looks at the floor embarrassed.
"I...I don't know..." Edd mutters quietly.
I look at him disappointingly, and he hangs his head.
"I just don't want you to yell at me.." Edd finally says.
I ruffle up Edd's hair playfully.
"Now, why would I do that?" I say calmly.

The nun calls out to us, and we all turn to face her.
She holds the umbrella tightly, the rain getting worse and worse.
"The priest will arrive at your home tomorrow." The young woman states, her blue eyes shining with confidence. But the confidence soon fades as she enters back into the house.
"I gave him your address, and a time. 2:00 pm." The nun says.
I nod, and give her a smile.
"Thank you for all of your help, do you want me to set the couch for you or..?" I ask, but the nun laughs.
"Heheheh! Heaven's no!" The nun says. It kinda took me aback.
"Pardon my enthusiasm, but this house is much too dangerous to stay in, I'm going to take a taxi home. It was a pleasure meeting you." The woman says, and she hands me back the umbrella.
"May god be with you." She says, and she walks out.

A silence goes around the house, besides the pouring rain.

And the sound of a car coming to an alarming screeching halt, the puddles from the rain splashing against the door, and hit something.

Then silence.

Besides the rain.

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