Chapter 3
Me and Tony had our first class together, which was English, and when I looked at the rest of his schedule, we had two other classes together out of 7, minus lunch period. How was I going to survive the other 4 classes without entertainment? I mean, Tony wasn't my only friend in this school, but he was the only one that knew me so well, because of our long friendship history. Me and Tony have been friends since kindergarten, he was the only boy I talked to who accepted my tomboy nerdiness and didn't tease me. We would hang out all the time during recess, just having a blast talking about superheroes and cartoons. We were always attached at the hip, which is probably why my parents think I like him so much.
"Okay class! Welcome back from summer break, I hope all of you had a great time. Sadly, I can already tell that only half of you read the summer reading. And it's lucky for all of you, because I seem to have miss placed my reading quizzes, so for today I am going to put on the movie the book is based on for today. But, be ready Friday, because I won't be miss placing them again" Mrs. Parker said. She started the projector and began the movie.
I love Mrs. Parker. She's a very nice old lady, and she is a great teacher! Very laid back and chill. A couple of my friends, who are seniors now, had her class last year. During lunch time they would always talk about how easy the class was and that Mrs. Parker probably couldn't fail anyone even if she wanted to. I felt Tony tap my shoulder.
"Hey, did you do the summer reading?"
"Yeah? I mean, I read half of it..."
"No you didn't" He smirked at me.
"Okay, you're right I didn't" I said, chuckling a little. "Did you?"
"Nope. Jessica has read the book before though. Maybe you could ask her what's it about" He nudged me.
I could feel my chicks getting a little red. I took in a quick breath.
"Maybe I will"
"OOooo, look who's getting some guts" He was grinning.
"Shut up. If I try, you try right?"
"Right...But what can I ask Brianna to help me with? I'm pretty sure she hasn't read the book" He said thoughtfully.
I shrugged. "Maybe you could ask her how she takes care of her dogs? Tell her you're going to get one soon? I don't know"
"I'll make something up I guess" He sighed.
Me and Tony continued to come up with a plan to talk to our crushes. By the end of class, we pretty make had nothing.
I was going to my locker, since I didn't get to earlier, when I saw Jessica talking to some guy near her locker. I'm not really into guys, but even I can admit he was good looking. Tony saw me stop and came next to me.
"What you looking at?" He asked, as he put his right arm around my shoulder.
"Yep...Zero chance" I said, still looking at Jessica and that guy talking. Tony looked where I was looking and sighed.
"Are you stupid? They're just talking, if you really think you have an absolute zero chance, I dare you to go try and talk to her"
"What will talking to her prove?" I asked confused.
"If she stops talking to the guy in front of her, just to talk to you, you definitely have a chance" He patted my shoulder and slightly pushed me.
"That's an order soldier" He pointed at me.
I sighed, and started walking to her. I really just want to go to my locker, but I can feel his eyes on me. I groaned and took a deep breath.
"H...Hey Jess" Did I just call her Jess? She turned to look at me.
"Amber? Did you just call me Jess?" She was grinning widely. I can feel my cheeks burning.
"Wha...What?? No...I...Maybe?"
"Calm down. It's just...You haven't called me that since we were in middle school" She said giggling.
"Ha...Yeah, I guess I haven't. I'm bringing it back I guess" I said rubbing the back of my neck.
"You should...I always liked it when you'd call me that" She said with a soft smile.
Man! Could her hazel eyes even get any more beautiful? I feel like I have been looking into them for a while, until someone next to us cleared his throat. Jessica turned to the guy.
"Sorry Andrew. What did you need again?"
"Umm, like I was about to say, um, do you want to hang out this weekend?" The guy named Andrew asked shyly.
It was the first day back in school and she is already getting asked out on a date?! My mind and heart started to race. Jessica was about to answer him, but I blurted out the first thing that was in my mind.
"Sorry dude, but me and Jessica already have plans this weekend" I said quickly. Why did I say that?! I could feel Jessica's eyes on me.
"Oh, okay. Well, maybe next time. See ya around Jessica" He said, before walking off. I kind of felt bad for him, but at the same time I didn't.
'All's fair in love and war' right?
When I looked back at Jessica, she was giving me a sly smile. I gulped.
"So, we have plans this weekend, do we?"
"I...yea...Yeah, um, Tony said that you read this book we needed to read, so I need you to tell me about it because we're going to have a quiz soon" I said nervously.
Her smile faded a little as she started getting closer to me. Her face was inches from mine. I was internally screaming.
"Is that all?" She whispered to me.
I could feel a shiver up my spine. Before I could respond, she was walking away, looking a little upset. I watched her, confused at her words. I felt a pat on my shoulder, that scared me.
"Wow! You messed that up" Tony said, shaking his head.
"Wha...What do you mean?"
"In do time young one. In do time" He said and started to walk away. I chased after him, trying to get him to tell me what he meant, but he didn't budge.
Did I do something wrong?!

Falling for My Best Friend's Sister [GirlxGirl]
Romance[GirlxGirl Love Story] We've all had a crush Amber has had a crush on a girl for a long time, but has never had the guts to do anything about it. Not until her best friend decides to lend her a hand. Being shy and waiting for something to happen a...