Chapter 1: Falling Rain

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  People starring in this story: John Lennon, Paul McCartney, Ringo Starr, and George Harrison as themselves.  Other actors: Peter Capaldi, David Tennant, Sebastian Stan, Tom Hiddleston, Chris Hemsworth, Robin Williams, Benedict Cumberbatch, and Linda McCartney

  Droplets hit the glass window making a small clinking sound, tink, tink, tink.  The pouring rain fell upon a tall building surrounded by other buildings and British flats.  We go inside of the studio as everything goes from cold and chilly, to warm and ecstatic with energy.  A beat played in the room as drums thumped to the tune.  A guitar solo was played by a man who held a red and black electric guitar, along with headphones around his head.  His fingers picked at each of the strings, and his other hand moved up and down on the neck of the guitar.  

  Later after the men finished up in the studio, they each drove off in their cars to there flats.  One man who was driving an old 1966 Ford Mustang, drives towards the north side of London, as he did so, he looked out to the coast.  The storm seemed to have raged on and on as if it were the cause of God.  A bolt of lighting hits the water out in the distance, the rain became more heavier then usual.  Swirling the pitch black ocean, causing waves to crash onto the beaches.  Flooding became an issue to some civilians in London.

  When the young man makes it to the flat he lived in, as he parked his car on the side of the road.  Running inside he unlocks the door and slammed the door shut behind him.  The storm outside raged on as the young man took off his coat and turned on the light.  Passing a shelf, there was a picture of the same young man with three other lads, only they had mop tops and suits.  When the young man sat down at one of the tables in the kitchen, the whole raging thundering rain abruptly became silent to the man's ears.

  Paul McCartney, whom was that young man, stood up slowly turning around curiously.  Though he still saw it was raining and thundering pretty damn hard outside, he couldn't hear a thing.  Suddenly, there was a beautiful voice that sang breaking the silence for the man.  The sound was so sweet that it made the young man close his eyes, following the voice towards the window.  And as Paul slowly opened his eyes, there she was.  A face, the most beautiful face he's ever seen in his life.  

  The woman had long blonde hair that went down covering her chest, a golden flowered halo around her golden hair, and a beautiful aquamarine tail that shimmered in the night.  Just floating right outside the window, though she was glowing a soft light, it made Paul entranced and dazed out of his mind.  She was gorgeous, something he's never seen before in his entire life.  None of his friends would ever see such a sight as Paul did.

  Though there was one thing that the beautiful mythical creature said before she disappeared.  And she mouthed, "Help me."  Paul reached out for her in the window but then there was a flash.  And then she was gone.  Lowering his hand, everything to his ears was now audible.  That what the young man had seen was something he can't forget.  The rain grew thundering against the window, a bolt of lighting and thunder shook the ground.  The young man had a feeling that grew inside of him about that beautiful glowing creature.  He wanted to help her...where ever she was.

  As Paul turned away from the window there was a phone that rang in his flat.  He walks over and answers it,

"This is McCartney____yes i'm fine.  No.  I think we just got finished with that yea____are you sure?  A week off eh?  Must be our lucky day____yes sir.  Goodbye."

   He hangs up the phone sighing.  The Beatles had just finished there album Yellow Submarine and Paul was told that him and his friend have a whole week off.  No more having to go over edits, messing up, and being scolded at.  They were always making funny jokes as well as fighting over sing lyrics.  The last song they finished up at the studio was "Hey Bulldog,"  a song that McCartney and his older friend fought over.  He felt like he needed to tell somebody, or go to somebody whenever he wanted an idea to be a song.  Kinda like the way he felt for the beautiful creature he had just seen.

  In fact, Paul thought of the creature as a Siren, with golden long hair, and a shimmery aquamarine tail that sparkled in the night like a thousand jewels.  He couldn't forget her voice, and he couldn't forget her face either.  She was the most mesmerizing thing the young man had ever saw, especially on a stormy raging night.  He even decided to draw a sketch of what he saw, though he knew his friends wouldn't believe him.  Paul knew they would just joke around saying that he was just being silly.  Although this time, he wasn't being  ludicrous.  What he had seen was not only real, but prepossessing.

  When Paul finished the drawing, he puts it away under his bed.  He couldn't shower because of all the lighting outside, so the young man had to wait for the storm to subside.  As he did so, he looked to the window outside of his bedroom.  The trees outside were being blown all to one side by the whipping ferocious winds, the rain poured on and on.  More lighting boomed, and Paul McCartney had decided he should just wait until morning for the storm to go away.  Then, he would shower in the morning.

  As the young man laid in bed that night still hearing the storm, he kept thinking about what the Siren had told him.  Help me.  She had said.  Help me.  What could this creature possibly need help for?  What is to happen if he doesn't help her?  Not that Paul never ever wanted to not help the Siren, but, he knew in ancient myths that Sirens can kill you. McCartney however, never thought of her in a negative way at all.  Instead, he fell asleep dreaming about it.

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