Chapter 5: Yellow Submarine

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John placed a conductor's hat upon his head and began to pilot the submarine as if he knew how to do it by heart.  Meanwhile, the other three Beatles were stunned of the engineering on the inside.  Everything was so much larger then they had expected.  The inside of the hull was silver and white, pipes going through every part of the submarine.  Ringo played with a couple of buttons here and there, while George found a couple of bedrooms.

  Meanwhile Paul came up to where John was piloting the sub.  He told him that he has to listen for the Siren's voice singing, though Lennon wasn't so sure about that because he couldn't hear any singing.  However, when Paul stood up tall, he heard the siren singing.  It was like an echo inside his ear, and he heard it coming from the North, so he told John to take the sub north forward.  Pulling a switch and pushing the propellers forward the yellow submarine's back flipper propeller, it waved back and fourth accelerating.  

  The Yellow Submarine glides through the water, diving deeper and deeper into the ocean going North.  Everything grew dark as John turned on the headlights.  None of the Beatles could see anything so far in the ocean, all was black as night.  Though George did see a shimmer of silver light reflect back somewhere.  Meanwhile Ringo went into the back and laid on the bed looking out one of the red circle windows. 

When George walked into the room, Ringo spoke,

"It's quite nice to be in here.  Even though I cahn't see a thing out there."

"Same.  Though Paul seems really determined to find out about this Siren thing.  I dream of finding my inner meaning of life.  What about you?"

Ringo shrugged,

"I dream of the future.  And what it's going to be like for all of us."

   The submarine traveled deeper into the ocean, the light's guiding it's way through the darkness.  McCartney could still heard the singing and he directed John where to go.  And as he did so, going in a straight path, Lennon put's the submarine on "auto pilot" and let's it go the same direction for a while.  He stood up and turns to face Paul,

"Come on then, wha' did she look like?"


"The Siren, wha' did she look like?" John asked.

A snapshot image of her came into Paul's mind, then he spoke,

"Well, she was quite fair. Her eyes were a greenish-blue. Her hair was long and golden covering her chest, she wore a gold halo around her head as well.  Her long scaly, shimmery aquamarine tail glimmered in the moonlight.  And her skinned looked soft and also looked beautiful as it seemed  to be glowing.  God, she seemed so peaceful and gentle.  I just wanted to reach out for her y'know, and tell her that I could help her.  But, she just faded away after she mouthed the word help."

John smiled nodding his head,

"No name huh?  Well I don't suppose when we find her she'll reveal her name to you.  It seems to me that your getting some real sexual attraction to her___."

"Shuddup John!" Said Paul turning scarlet red.

"See?  That face shows that she's alluring to you."  points out John.

"Alright that's enough," walks in George stopping the conversation.

"Wha' we need to do is to focus on where were going.  If we dohn't focus on where we're going we are going to get lost.  Also we need to stay awake to the fact we might run into a bunch of scary sea monsters!  Paul can talk about the siren because of her singing voice, only to FOLLOW it.  Stop teasing him John, seriously.  Now, has anyone found any weapons we could use if a sea monster comes after us?"

John and Paul shook there heads in unison.  George turned around and shouted,

"RINGO! Did you find anything that is weapon related on this submarine?!"

"NOOOO!" yells back Ringo.

George turns back straight faced, "Dammit..."

Soon John and Paul chuckled to themselves as George rolled his eyes annoyed,

"I dohn't really think you should LAUGH, if we don't have any weapons on this submarine, then we cahn't fight any of the monsters that attack us!  You all are being immature right now!"

"I'M NOT BEING IMMATURE!"  yelled Ringo way in the back.

"CAN IT RINGO!" Yelled George.

John  and Paul continued to die laughing.  And Harrison had it and he grumbled walking back into the hull of the submarine.  When George was gone, Ringo in the other room looked outside and saw a shimmer of silver light like how his friend did.  He sat up in bed looking out the window curiously with his blue eyes widen.  Sitting up silently as the submarine swam on, then suddenly, there was a quick flash of silver past the window again.  It scares Ringo making him jerk up.

  His shuddered breath was quiet, his hand began to shake slightly.  As he waited for it to happen again, it never did.  Though everything was silent for a full 3 minutes.  Ringo came back to the circular window looking out into the black darkness of the ocean.  Nothing was there until.....WHAM!  A shoot of silver hits the window rocking the whole submarine.  Ringo screamed falling out of bed and crawling out of the room in terror.

  The whole submarine shook and the four Beatles were alarmed by this.  Literally, a red alarm sounded and George quickly looked through the red and yellow periscope.  He looked around and didn't see anything, until, WHOOOSH!  I fast moving flash of sliver went past his view.  The Beatles weren't sure of what was out there.  But it was fast, and it was silver shimmering.  John flicked a few switches and pressed a few buttons to get the submarine back and stabilized.  

"What is it?  What is it John?!" Spoke Ringo looking over to the front part of the submarine.

John's mouth gaped along with Paul's.  George ran back into the room along with Ringo pushing beside there two friends.  And their mouth's gaped at the sight as well.  

  Before them was one huge, sliver, five headed Hydra monster snapping it's heads at the submarine blocking it's way.  When Ringo Starr saw the sight, his eyes rolled and he fainted falling on his back with a loud thud.  

"Oh...Dear..." says Paul.

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