Chapter 7: The Submarine's Voice

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John Lennon had fallen asleep at the front when a blue light blinded him in his sleep.  He opened one eye irritated but then, his eyes widened with awe.  He sat up at the front of the submarine gasping of the sight he was seeing.  Nothing was dark, but the illumination of a whole bunch of glowing jellyfish, and other underwater animals brought everything to light.  John called back to his friends, George and Paul wandered to the front tired.  

  When they saw the sight, they were dumbfounded once again.  The sight was unlike anything they've ever seen.  They saw a bunch of sea creatures they've never seen in there lives, in fact, they all looked like as if they came from myth's, and George was the most sure of that.  When the yellow submarine cruised around it came to a stop all of a sudden.  John tried to make it go forward but it didn't, he got angry,

"What the hell?" The Yellow submarine jerked a little making John fall forward out of the seat.  He collapsed on the ground with an oof. 

 Then the whole submarine began to lean back an fourth side to side as if it were dancing!  Then the song Sugar Sugar began to play over the intercom.  The Beatles held onto the sides of the sub surprised.  Although, Paul's concerned face turned to a smile as he listened to the song.  The Yellow submarine leaned back and fourth left and right to the song.  Sugar Sugar by the Archies, is what George had told them happily.  Although John was confused of how the submarine was doing this.

"I-I think it's alive!" says Paul.

The whole submarine spun around and the Beatles went flying on the inside.  John collapsed on the ground groaning but Paul and George still held on, laughing at John.  He achingly held onto one of the pipes clinging on for dear life as he said,

"A submarine cahn't be alive Paul!  It's impossible!"

The whole Yellow Submarine  jerked again, John screamed as he fell forward hitting the glass, he groans as he slowly slid down on the glass, then he fell to the floor with a  loud thud,

"....I'm going to lay here until I die."

"Awe Come on John, have some fun with this! It feels the way we're currently feeling!" George laughed.

"Well I'm feeling blue." said John still on the base of the sub with his arms crossed.

A trap door opened beside where John was laying, a punch mitten shoots out and hits John in the side.  He screamed,


"The submarine is tellin' you too suck it up Lennon."  Paul chuckled.

John rubbed his back mumbling angrily,

"Suck my wully Paul."

"I prefer not.  Perhaps you apologize to the yellow submarine?"  Paul said with a grin crossing his arms.

John stood up as he went over to the control center, he spoke dryly,

"I'm sorry for being a downer on this trip.  I just believe we should focus on getting to that Siren.  I find it more important then going off somewhere unimportant."

The submarine lowered a speaker mic and they heard a female British voice,

"How do you expect me to believe that?"

John was dumbfounded.  And so were Paul and George.

John stuttered with a voice crack, "Y-you can talk?!  I er....I um...I was just frustrated that our friend is knocked out, and we barely survived against that first monster!"

The young speaker woman spoke again, the whole submarine made coordinates,

"I am the most intelligent submarine in the world, you think I haven't seen monsters worse then the one you just fought?  The four of you including the one that is unresponsive in bed, Mr. John Winston Lennon, Sir James Paul McCartney, George Harrison, and Sir Richard Starkey, yes, are on a important mission for the rare Siren.  But I try to keep joy to your journey as much as possible.  You have to learn yourselves how to get past all the monsters,"

"Your lacking about and complaining doesn't make me happy.  There are consequences if there are fights and arguments.  And if I hear complaining I WILL drown you all and leave you all to die,"

"Great the submarine is threatening to kill us." Says John.

Paul slapped John in the face, "SHUDDUP JOHN!"

"OI!  I mean it," said the female submarine voice, "I hate hearing your bunch argue.  I haven't had anyone on this submarine for thousands of years.  I do not need yelling and screaming.  Now, I have your coordinates set.  Your next monster is called the Kraken."

"What's a Kraken?" asked George.

"A mythical eight tentacled monster, a gigantic octopus, a quarter the size of North America.  It has been known to bring down very large cargo ships of the world.  Where we are going,   the Kraken is already guarding the path towards the Siren.  None of the less, you yourselves must figure out how to get past em'."

"Y'mean you won't tell us any clues? Nothing?" John asked.

"You and especially Mr. McCartney have to figure out the situation.  It is my honorable respect to keep my secrets for my past creators of how to get past all the monsters.  I'm sorry, but you have to understand that if I told you how to past the Kraken or any other monster, I would have no choice but to drown you all.  So the secret is forever kept away as such."  the female voice spoke sadly.

John had his head low, then he looked back up to the speaker,

"Do you go by another name?  Well... instead of Yellow Submarine?"

The Female submarine spoke, "Um...only one..."

"What is it?" asked George.

"I guess you could say I go by Jean Shrimpton.  Silly ol' last name though.  I rather be called Yellow Submarine."

John shook his head, "I think it's a wonderful name.  But, weren't you always like this?  Were you ever....human?"

The submarine sighed, "No.  But I truly wish to be.  For it's my wish once the Siren becomes free with the man she chooses to live a human life with.  And once she's free, I can become human as least...I hope."

John was then silent.  For he didn't know what else to say.

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