Chapter 8: John and Jean

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It was quiet for some time on the Yellow Submarine.  They were heading in the direction of where the mythical Kraken was.  Ringo was still knocked out from seeing the Hydra monster, and though the three other friends tried to wake him up, he still was in some sort of coma.  AS the submarine cruised into the abyss zone, everything was a lot darker.  The headlights turned on as it floated through the water.  Silent and calm.  John sat at the control center at the front of the submarine, sitting back in in the seat.  Paul could still hear the beautiful siren singing.  George meanwhile sat at Ringo's bedside still worried for him.  

John sighed with his arms crossed,

"Very fine submarine you are...Jean."

The intercom speaker's female voice spoke replying,

"I was created by Mr. Einstein, every other scientist created the submarine's body itself."

"Well, I think your voice is beautiful my dear." John said humbly with a small grin.

"Thank you.  For I must say, I haven't had a conversation like this since Benjamin Franklin.  Ha ha, although you are much more interesting to talk too then he was." She said kindly.

"I would surely like to have a girl like you, if only you were  real.  I guess this was how Paul felt when he saw that siren at his window." John said laying his head to the side on the palm of his hand. 

"Indeed.  For a British Sailor like you, I guess, maybe I like you.  But, I cahn't show really, all I can do is help you along your way.  I cahn't help you pass the monsters because, you all have to figure out how to get pass them.  As I told you before."

John gently placed his hand on the hull of the submarine,

"I understand.  Plenty, Yellow Submarine.  But, what about if we die?"

"The Siren will die.  And I will sink to the bottom of an endless trench, into darkness.  Death by monsters.  A watery grave.  A failed secret and invention."  the female voice said.

John's eyebrows went up as his face fell with grief, he felt like crying, but forced himself not too.  As he turned around, there was a laser that went down him,

"W-what are you doing?"

"Scanning you," said the female voice.

"For what exactly?" John asked as the scanner went up and into a trap door.  Soon the submarine processed it.  The female voice spoke softly,

"You are feeling of sympathy, fondness, and desire.  Your brain is telling you that you wish to love me?  Darling.....I'm a nobody, I understand and appreciate your affections, but I'm just a creation.  I have my doubts that the Siren will ever let me be human.  But, by the look upon your kind eyes, and solemn face, you are hoping for more."  

John was dead silent and speechless, he felt himself turn scarlet with embarrassment.  His eyes shied away from the intercom speaker,

"I er...I mean...yes?"

"There is no shame John Lennon, because I like to love you as well.  But for now, the Siren must be saved in order for it to come true.  From a Yellow Submarine, I say my goodnight's to your friends..."

The intercom was then offline and Jean didn't speak anymore.  John sighed, he stood up and went over into the room where Paul was chilling on his bed reading a book.  Paul looked up to John,

"You talked to her for a while,"

"Yeah." nodded John.

"The submarine likes you now?" Paul asked.

"I guess.  In a way.  I kinda know how it feels to be like you.  In love, she wishes to be human once the Siren is saved.  At least, tha' is how it's suppose to go, she'll grant the submarine to transform into a human once she finds her love.  As in you Paul." John explained.

"We'll jus' have to wait and see.  I don't even know if we'll survive this trip."  Paul said closing his book.  George then appeared in the sub doorway seeing John and Paul talking.  George sighed,

"He still won't wake up.  It's getting me worried lads,"

"Surely he's still breathing yeah?" John asked.

"Yeah, still." George mumbled.

"I'm sure Ring's will wake soon.  We just have to give him some time, he was thunderstruck when he first saw that five headed Hydra monster.  For now, we won't need him, at least, maybe until we get to the next monster."  Paul said.

"So, John likes the Yellow Submarine hmm?" George said changing the subject.

"She wants to be human, anyway, I don't want to talk about that right now.  I think we should all get rest."  John said standing up and climbing to the top bunk above Paul's bed.  George nodded his head as he left the doorway.  The four Beatles fell asleep in there bunk beds, George slept on the top bunk over Ringo.  

  Where John had been sleeping soundly, a small trap door opened as a small laser silently scanned his head.  The trap door then closes again.  At the front of the submarine, Jean analyzed it in her computer system, over the speaker, she spoke with a whisper chuckling,

"Love, passionate, and dreamy.  What a curious character you are Lennon..."

And so the four young men fell asleep soundly on the yellow submarine.   The sub itself cruised through the dark ocean with it's dimmed headlights.  Traveling into the deep part of the ocean known.  In the direction of where the mythical and legendary Kraken monster, that lies guarding the path to the Siren.

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