Chapter 2: The Fisherman Pt 1

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  The next day McCartney told his friends about what he saw last night.  Of course, he got the reaction he predicted.  They all laughed at him.  However, Paul was pretty angry trying to convince his friends of his sightings.  One of the friend's assumed he might've been high on something.  Paul took it as offense and became hot angry, after a while his friend's finally apologized to him.  Although, the oldest friend who wore glasses and had hazel brown hair, says that they should go to someone and ask if they know anything about this "Siren."

   The young man and his three other friends, took a cabby to the docks near an old hut at the end of London.  Everything was a lot more foggy and creepy looking.  An eerie feeling came to Paul when he stepped out the car.  He knew his friends felt the same way too.  They couldn't see anything for miles because the fog was so thick.  Then one of the young man's friends sees an old hut just a few feet away from where they were dropped off.  The four friends went together to the rusty and weather-beaten home.  Soon they found themselves at the front door.

  George Harrison, a man with curly long hair and a short beard, shrugged and knocked at the door.  There was no answer.  Then the young man cut in front of his friend and knocked at the door again.  Then a little slot slid open where bright green eyes peered out of the door, the man behind the door spoke irritably with a thick Scottish Accent,

"Who are you?!  What do you want?"  

   Paul McCartney introduced himself and along with his friends.  Then asked if he knew anything about mythical creatures and beasts. The man behind the door said that why would he care so much for "fantasy" creatures.  Then the young man told him about the Siren he saw at his window, singing beautiful, the shimmery tail, and her golden hair.  He showed the man the image Paul drew of the Siren.  The man behind the door with green eyes, glared at the image, then his bright green eyes grew with curiosity and awe.  He was bewildered as well.  Soon, it was enough to have the young man's friends come inside.

  When the four friends walked into the old shabby hut everything was dusty and old.  Some of the wood was rotted, and fishing rods were placed along the wall.  There was a fireplace as the wood crackled sparks.  Then there were a few boxes filled with bait to catch fish.  The four friend's sat in old wooden chairs by the fire, the old, grey haired, green eyed Scotsman was sitting on the ground tying up a roostertail on the end of one of his fishing poles.  He looks up to the four young men that sat in his hut,  the man spoke with his thick accent,

"You've seen a Siren Mr. McCartney, but et es not like a-nae othah' evil or charmin' creature.  Thu drawin' you showed me gave meh details and ideas.  An' as you kno', I tell stories that are troo, so ya bettah nawt make meh angry.  It's important to you four I mae say,"

The Scotsman looks to the four young men.  Ringo Starr, a man with  large nose, dark brown hair, blue electric eyes, and with a little mustache said,

"The Siren, why did it visit our friend?"

The fisherman chuckled to himself, he puts a finger up and spoke,

"Lemme tell yeh a story lads.  Now, it is said in a myth, that if you ar' visited by-a alluring Siren at yer window in the mists of a storm, that it means that the siren is desperate for help.  It will call out tuh you in er singing voice, and beg for  em' mercy.  The Siren you showed meh in yer drawing, it fits with the story perfectly.  Howevah', when thuh Siren depends on one person, it will keep relyin' on thur person tuh save em.  Legend has it, that if you don't save thuh Siren tha' visits you at thuh window, thuh wrath of the seven seas will drown everythin' upon the surface,"

"Like Atlantis, thuh kingdom fell and sank beneath the waters, unable to be found.  Hidden from everthin' that was ever created by God.  It was the power of Poseidon they say, that sank Atlantis because he was enraged by the mortals and Atlantieans for wanting more power.  Although, evah since that kingdom fell in the ocean, the Sirens were born to charm sailah's and take there lives in an' evil way.  The Siren's full creature, but disguised to look beautiful would also sing there songs ter thuh pirates and crew and then devour them and kill them,"

" Siren, jus' thuh one, was half human an' half creature stayed good.  She wuz' locked away beneath the bottom of the largest trench, fer' not being evil and takin' thuh lives of thuh mortals.  Fer' years an years, the half mortal half immortal Siren, would sing her song calling out ter someone tha' would be able to free her from being trapped in eternal darkness.  Then you come, tellin er me that you've seen a Siren glowin' at yer window.  She must've called out ter you..."

  Paul McCartney looks up, his fist over his mouth concerned, then he spoke,

"Why would the Siren choose me?"

"Somethin' about you just gives her a chance.  You yerself must be a singah', so that gave her the power to at leas' show a spittin' image of herself and call out ter yeh.  She wants yer help."  The Scotsman fisherman said.

"How in the devil would we be able to reach her?"  Asked John Lennon.

The Fisherman chuckled once again, he folded his knobby hands together and explained,

"That is anothah' thing.  Reaching the beautiful Siren isn't easy.  You'd have ter past many of the sea monsters tha' lie in the ocean.  I'll tell yer about the Sea Monstah's later, what's more important.  Is the transportah' that gets you anywhere in the ocean, even to the beautiful Siren,"

"And what is that  Legend called?"  Asked George Harrison folding his arms.

The Fisherman smiled, "the Legend of the Yellow Submarine..."

(The Fisherman Pt 1, to be continued...)

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