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Tunnels were built underground connecting the prison to the ship on the sea. In these tunnels we had to squeeze ourselves and go on board. It wasn't my turn yet. However, I was met with news from men about a sovereign God. They were known as missionaries. Even in our prisons they came to teach us about this Sovereign God and his son Jesus Christ. They claimed he was powerful than the god we all knew-' Nii kloweki' . It sounded weird at first thought though. We had to compromise, since we struggled in the prison.

                One sunny morning,  a couple of prisoners including me were dragged out with our hands tied in chains. It was so sad reckoning how we were whipped and forced on board the ship. We were being transferred to the land we termed as 'Fairest' 'Fairest' because that's where we believed those 'fairer' than the golden sky came from...

   I had never been on a ship to a far away land. I hadn't even sat in my father's little boat all alone before. But here I was in this vast ship, feeling sea sick and throwing up most of the time.
It was midday when my eyes fluttered , gradually becoming stable and used to the sharp rays at first sight.. The sea was calm then. The water was crystal blue as ever . "This is indeed a wonder of creation" ,I recalled the words of the missionaries. All of a sudden ,the sky began to look gloomy. The winds came heavily from the east carrying all light weight materials away. Just then I felt water drop  on my skin. I didn't know where it came from. As I looked on, the heavens burst forth and the water came down pouring on me. It was a heavy downpour, for the ship became unstable . Gradually the woody part of it were falling off ! Soon the wind came once again, making matters worse. We were sinking and just a door away from death. It was as  though death was begging us to come into it's cold arms!
"Grab onto something" I heard people say to me. I had only swum in the shallow waters of the sea back home and I was wondering if I could swim over here in the middle.

        Fear had gripped me, but then I recalled my father's words  :"You must learn to conquer the impossible ".
With that I leapt into the water and swum to the other end of the shore. Seeing my courage, others also jumped in and made their way.  Some jumped so high before hitting the surface of the water so crushed below the water and died. It was disgusting to watch as the water turned red due to the blood that oozed out after crushing a stone or sharp tool in the water.
One turn and there was a dense forest in front of us. An Island? " Get moving " I heard an order, disrupting my thoughts completely. We cleared a portion of the land and we were given tents to put up .
As the sun began to set, we were already roasting potatoes individually under the supervision of the soldiers. Days and nights went by and we still camped by the shores.

" Everyone get packing " We heard almost all the  soldiers say. A ship had arrived  overnight and it was to convey us to our final destination. On the ship, we relaxed as the ship moved at it's own pace...

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