Rocky Times

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Oliver's POV:

"And if their captain leads them, then that leaves....No, that would..but, if they followed Harry, no, that would be disastrous....hmm, but then Chang did that...but, Diggory, damn him...." I sigh, putting my head in the palms of my hand, narrowly missing the quill I was using with my eyes

"Carefull" Percy quipped, distracted, causing himself to spatter ink on his robes, and bedspread

That's what he gets for being distracted

"You should be more carefull." I protest, and he calls me clumsy

"I am-"

"I don't have ink on my neck-"

"I do not-"
"Check your cheek, Genious"

Wiping both cheeks with his hands, Percy huffed an aggrivated "Fine! BUt my paper for snape is still missing something!!" "Well, Percy, I can tell you what you are missing, but I don't know about your paper."


"Me genious!"

"Oliver, will you ever grow up?" Percy sighed, annoyed

"Nope. You are perfect always have been-"

"Bull and you know it"

"What?" I ask, taken aback

"Bull. You have not kissed me in a week, we have not went out on a date in more than a week, all you think about is QUIDDITCH!!!"

"There is only one day left untill we play the ravenclaws, and we're well, I've been making the whole team practice, but I think it, well, it's not enough!"I Yell

He can't blame me

I need this cup

"Do you even love me anymore Ollie, Is Quidditch more important than I am? Because if it is, then we can break up right now."

No, no don't cry

God, he's crying

I mean, am I that much of a workaholic?

No wonder Fred and George have been making death threats

They all must be murderous

"You want to break up with me?" I whisper,shaken. What have I done?
"NO! I just want you to spend some time with me.It's creating a wedge between us" Percy cried, tears streaming down his face

"I'm sorry"I whisper "I'll do better.Please let me show you.I'll do better."

"Oliver, i can't-"

"Please?" I whisper, and this time, I was the one to cry


"Please!I'll do anything! I'll show you how much you're worth love!"

"Fine." Percy sighed finally, his emerald eyes full of watery tears

"Under one condition" He continued, eyes closed"Love me to please"

"Yes love, anything"

I'll show you how much you're worth love

Worth more than anything I've ever loved

Quills,Quidditch,and Percy WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now