Clumsy Part 3

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" Perce, Please" Oliver plead, to Percy, as he chased Percy as the redhead left the Gryffindor common room. His tanned fingers were buried into his ebony black robes, he could barely think. 

"Oliver im just a distraction. Come on I made you fall what 50 feet? All because of a stupid mistake I made. You don't need me I'm just weighing you down." Percy said, his voice breaking as he turned to face Oliver, tears streaming down his face. He didn't want this. He wanted to pull Oliver close, caress him, not push him away.

He had done a stupid thing, and that resulted in Oliver having to be in Madamn Pomfreys care for two months and he felt bad for it.

Maybe he was a bad boyfriend. what type of boyfriend lets his boyfriend get hurt? 

Oliver was born to be a quidditch player, and Percy was just hurting him and holding him back. He was practically born on a broomstick

"No Perce, I need you. You have always been a distraction, but I love it, and ive gotten over it"  Oliver desperately exclaimed, his brown eyes showing so much pain.

"Well yes," Percy stared, but then remembered that this was the first time in a month that Oliver has actually spoken to him, without yelling at Percy or throwing insults Percys way " But you haven't even spoken to me in months, and I visited you every day in that ward, and all I got for bringing you flowers everyday was an insult, a different insult a day. Oliver, how, how do you think that made me feel? You only stared to care about me again as soon as I came up here and told you were done, Im a distraction!"

"But if you leave me yes you will be a distraction, ill have you on my mind all day, ill miss you, and yes I'm an ass, but please forgive me" 

Oliver pulled a reluctant Percy towards him, embracing him In a hug, his brown eyes meeting Percys blue ones. "Please Perce, just Please?" Oliver begged, swallowing a lump in his throat, choking back the tears 

"No Oliver, you can't just treat me like shit then expect me to just like. you again after you- you hurt me, don't you understand that" Percy cried, hurt on the inside. It had to be done, Oliver could not just treat Percy like that and expect everything to be okay 

he had to understand the pain Percy was going thru 

" But Percy-" Oliver started as Percy broke free of the embrace and walked away.

+++++++++++++++++++++++Couple months later++++++++++++

Another explosion rocked the house. Percy sighed heavily and slammed his book shut. He glanced across the room at Hermes, his Screech Owl.

"I can never get a bit of peace around here."

The owl simply stared at him as another explosion sounded from the Twins' room.

It was like any typical summer day at The Burrow; Arthur Weasley; was at work at the Ministry. Molly Weasley; was in the kitchen downstairs. The twins; were locked up in their room doing who knows what, and Ron and Ginny were somewhere outside.

Percy was in his room trying to study. There were two weeks left of the summer holiday and he wanted to get a head start. 

However, with all the commotion coming from the Twins' room, there was no way he would be able to study. So Percy grabbed his book and headed downstairs where he might be able to find a place to continue reading.

As he began descending the staircase to the main floor of The Burrow, he was shoved out of the way as two blurs, with red hair, flew past him.

He grabbed the banister to steady himself as Fred and George reached the bottom and ran into the kitchen.

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