Chapter 4 The Northen Woods

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"You're not going to the northen woods, are you?" Mikan asked.

"Of course i will," I replied.

"But the northen woods is really dangerous," Lincho said.

"yeah," Mikan agreed.

"But to prove that jerk, that i have an alice, I must go." I said.

"Natsume challenged Mikan to go to the Northen woods aswell when she first got here, which was last month." a girl with short black hair and purple eyes, said.

"I'm Hotaru Imai," The girl continued.

"Nice to meet you," I said and she smiled.

"So are you going?"  Hotaru asked.

"well, I have to," I sigh.

"Don't worry , i'll help you!" Mikan exclaimed.

"yeah, me too!" Lincho said

"Well, this seems fun so i might go as well." Hotaru said.

"No, You guys shouldn't go, i get myself into this, so i must do it but you guys don't have to." 

"But-"Mikan said but i interrupted her.

"I can't let you guys get hurt because of me, and don't worry I can take care of myself," I said smiling.

"Okay then," They said.

"Just be careful," Lincho said and i nodded.

"Beware of Mr bear!" Mikan exclaimed.

"See you later  and be safe," Hotaru said and they left,

Natsume P.O.V

I watched Hotaru, Lincho and Mikan left Jane.

"Is she really going there alone? " I thought.

I watched her until she disappeared in the northen woods.

"Natsume, are you okay? why are you spacing out? " Ruka asked 

"I'm fine," I answered

"Let's go, " I told Ruka.

"Where?" He asked.

"Let's follow Jane, maybe we could figure out what her alice is" I answered.

"Okay then,"

Normal POV

After a few minutes walking through the northen woods, I saw a small cabin.


I saw small and skinny stuffed bear with beady black eyes, cutting wood. The bear turned his head to me and attacked me!

"Gahhhh!!! " I scream in shocked.


The bear had punched me in the face and i staggered backwards from the great impact and fell down on the ground moaning in agony.

"what the heck is wrong with this bear?" I thought.

I grabbed the bear 2 hands and sent him flying into the air and before he crash landed, i quickly ran away, as fast as my legs could carry me. But it was no use, without knowing, the bear was already chasing me.

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