Chapter 17 ~ The Academy Found out~

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"Natsume-kun wouldn't do something like that." Sumire said,

"Operative, arson and all that.. Obviously.. It's all lies!" Sumire added.

"Curly is right, Natsume is not the kind of person to do such things." I said.

"..Let's get out of here." Sumire said and Mikan and I nodded.

"Anyways..  elt's think of a way to get out. " Mikan said.

"But how?" I asked,

"I don't know.. but they saud tonight at two, a smuggling boat was coming. Then.. Natsume.. and ourselves.. will be in more trouble." Mikan said.

"I don't know how many hours are left but, we chased after Natsume this far, we can surely do something!" Mikan said.

"We must think with all our might.. of a way to escape from here.

Meanwhile at ALice academy:

"Impossible. I'm still unable to trace the where abouts of the students who escaped."

"I have just received a word from a teacher following their trail that Sakura Mikan, Shouda Sumire and Jane shizuka's student passes have been found. They may have gotten into some kind of accident."

"Report this emergency to the elementary grade principal." Jinno-sensei said.

"Teachers how is via alice going?" He asked.

"..Not at all as if there were fog, the whereabouts of those theree only, i cannot see. As if our powers were being obstructed by some kind of barrier...."

"Jinno-sensei," Narumi-sensei just arrived with Hotaru and Luca.

"Excuse us for bothering while you are busy but i would like you to listen to what these kids have to say." Narumi-sensei said.

"this is not the time," Jinno-sensei said angrily.

"After being tipped off by these two, i searched Natsume's hospital room. The hospital room was empty. And there was also no trace of Natsume being present outise the room." Naruma said.

"Mikan said Reo kidnnaped Natsume. This is the proof." Hotaru said holding the recording ring from Mikan and played it.

"Never  thought he'd be hospitalized.. Teleport him into the limo's trunk." (from the recording ring)

"Catch Reo please, All four of them are probably in the hands of Reo and His men.

Natsume's P.O.V

My body hurts..


Feels like somethings there,

something's eating something..?

What is it?

A dog?

An enemy?

I opened by eyes, I saw Mikan, Jane and Curly.

"You're biting my hand," Jane said.

Mikan was trying to untie the rope with her mouth  because the four of us were tied,

Mikan turned and looked at me.

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