17: Image

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Taehyung's alarm starts. The clock is currently 06:30 and he really considers staying home. After laying in the bed for a while, just looking out the window, he finally gets up and starts getting ready for school.

Hyun is sitting with her phone, wearing the cap again with her legs crossed on the table. She ignores Taehyung as he says hi. He walks in and grabs some breakfast, gazing at Hyun occasionally. How are they so different?

The school bus arrives, and the twins jump on.

The first lesson goes on casually, Jungkook still sending glances and smirks towards Taehyung, making him blush like crazy.

After the lesson, Jungkook is pulled aside by their gym teacher. "Jungkook, can you join me for a second? We are putting together a team for the activity day, we could really use your help" the teacher says.

Jungkook nods and walks after the teacher. Sad, he must use his break on this. Hyun is at the meeting as well, helping the teachers organize the day. Jungkook is on the handball team, and they need someone to organize that event.

Taehyung sits alone by his table, eating a chicken sandwich. He looks around the cafeteria. He's feeling a weird vibe, not knowing where it's coming from though.

The boy's thoughts are cut by a raspy voice. A voice his slowly getting a little too used to. Taehyung looks behind him, his body starts shaking as he sees the three boys from C looking down at him, with smirks on their faces.

Taehyung can't breathe as he feels the fist in his stomach followed by the cold water being poured over his body.

- Time skip -

Jungkook is struggling with putting the handball teams together. Three classes will be participating, so making the teams is a puzzle that seems impossible to solve.

Hyun is helping with creative events, like art and photography.

Jungkook hopes Taehyung will participate in the photography event, he will win for sure.

Suddenly the door opens. It's Yong. She's breathing hard from running down the hall, fighting to get her words out.

"Hyun! You... you need to get to the cafeteria right away!" The breathless girl says. Hyun looks at her in confusion "what's going on?".

"It's Taehyung, he's in trouble! It's pretty bad".

"What did that freak get himself into now?" Hyun says as she stands up and runs towards the door, quickly followed by Jungkook, who is trying to hold in his anger, caused by Hyun's stupid comment.

They run down the halls, going directly for the cafeteria.

The big crowd in the middle makes them stop. They try to fight their way through, pushing people to the side.

Jungkook is shocked when he's almost at the front. He sees Taehyung falling to the ground after a punch in the face, hitting the cold floor before coughing. The boy's body is shaking like crazy on the ground, both from pain and fear.

The crowd laughs as a guy with a hoodie throws some old scraps of food at Taehyung's body, making the boy hide his face with his arms

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The crowd laughs as a guy with a hoodie throws some old scraps of food at Taehyung's body, making the boy hide his face with his arms.

Jungkook is moving forward fast, living up to his nickname 'the muscle pig'. Just as he reaches the front a hand grabs his arm, holding him back. If it hasn't been Hyun's hand, Jungkook would just have brushed it off and rushed to the struggling boy on the floor.

"Jungkook wait-" Hyun says, looking into the eyes of the older. "If you help him, it will destroy everything for you," the girl says, desperately holding Jungkook back.

Jungkook's eyes widen as his temper rises. "WHAT THE HELL? HE'S YOUR FUCKING BROT-" his words get caught as a teacher starts yelling, slowly making the big crowd disappear. Jungkook looks around in confusion, trying to spot the guy with the hoodie, but he's nowhere to be seen.

The only person left is Taehyung, on the floor, shaking badly. Hyun lets go off Jungkook's arm, looking at him in confusion. The elder just ignores her, walking fast to the shaking boy's side.

Taehyung flinches as Jungkook's hands touch his shoulders. The smaller is fighting back before realizing who's holding him. He looks into Jungkook's caring eyes, being calmed by the raven's voice as he whispers to him.

Taehyung shuts his eyes in relief, not realizing he's being lifted from the ground.

Jungkook turns around, holding the boy in his arms. He looks a Hyun with a death stare "you should really stop thinking about your shitty image and care about your family, he endures this for you."

He turns around, not letting Hyun get the final word. The girl is standing totally paralyzed as she looks after the two.

For her?


Ugh, I feel so bad writing this, it hurts my heart...

See you next chapter ~

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