26: Train (Finale)

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The last chapter 😭 And like... This chap is so cliche ~


The train arrives and opens its doors. Taehyung is hit by a sudden discouragement. Was this really a good idea? Would he be able to take care of himself?

He is still young after all and he has to start school in a new place once again. Maybe Hyun had always hated him, but he still felt more comfortable with someone he knew around.

No. He has to do this. It's the only way. A life where he's in control.

He takes a deep breath before paying attention to Hyun beside him.

The girl is surprisingly sad. Her eyes have a blank surface, indicating that she is close to crying. Taehyung chuckles lightly and wraps his arms around her.

"Don't be sad. Wasn't this what you wished for?" he asks, and Hyun returns the hug.

"Not deep down..." her voice is muffled in Taehyung's jacket.

"I need to go," Taehyung says after a while. Hyun nods and pulls away.

The boy turns to walk into the train. But Hyun grabs his wrist.

"You know... you have always been my hero" the memory of Taehyung saving her flashes before her eyes. Hero.

Taehyung feels his stomach take a turn. Hyun has hated him for so long the boy totally forgot how close they were as kids. Society changed her.

He walks forward and places a kiss on the girl's forehead.

"And you are my freedom," he says quietly. They hug one last time before Taehyung walks through the door.

He stands there alone. Waiting for the doors to close in front of Hyun, giving a start to his new life. Alone.

But his thoughts are cut as a familiar voice appears.

"Wait!" it yells. The doors are closing and Taehyung spots Jungkook in the distance. Running with a bag over his shoulder.

The brunette's eyes widen, and he freezes.

He... He came?

Just as the doors are about to fully shut, Jungkook slides himself sideways through them and makes it inside.

"J-Jungk-" his words are cut off as Jungkook smashes their lips together. Kissing roughly.

Taehyung feels his heart jump in his chest like never before. This is what he wanted. The feeling of Jungkook's soft lips on his. Never has he yearned for something so much.

The raven slowly pulls away, his hands still cupping the other's cheeks.

"I made it," he says, a bit tired from running. Taehyung doesn't know what to say, he's lost for words.

"Jungkook... why?" he is able to say. The tears are now running down. He's so happy.

"Did you think I would miss all the fun?" Jungkook answers, smiling brightly.

Taehyung feels the weight of many years leave his shoulders as if it had never been there. He laughs out in relief before falling into Jungkook's large embrace.

He has never felt more at home.

Jungkook brushes his hair slowly, enjoying the scent from the boy.

"You know... I always wanted to get away from my family," he says and Taehyung pulls away from the hug to look at his face.

"But, I never did it. I didn't have anything to fight for... my life had to be perfect. Everyone expected so much from me. I even... once I was close to ending it all..."

Taehyung listens closely, wanting to hear every word.

"But then you came. You were so insecure, and it was obvious you hated yourself more than anything. And I didn't know why, but I had such an urge to help you. To make you feel your true worth. And then... I felt like you accepted everything I was. The real me"

He slides his thump along Taehyung clear cheekbone. The boy is crying again.

"Thank you," Jungkook says in a small voice.

Taehyung lets the sobs free and kisses Jungkook again.

So, there they were. Kissing each other in public, on a train to a city far away from everything they had ever know.

A ride to freedom.


The end of my short story😭

*Sob* it was fun to write! I'm sorry, it's a really short story... But I still hope you enjoyed it! And hopefully, it will lead you to read some of my other stories!

Maybe I'll make an epilogue for this. Looking back on this story, I can tell how much more motivated I have become for my other stories! They will hopefully be longer 😅

I didn't really plan out the storyline for this one... I just started writing what came to mind, so I hope it hasn't been too boring. But since you're reading this chapter, it hopefully means it has been readable. I tried not to rush the end, hope it wasn't horrible.

And even if you don't know it, you reading this means so incredibly much for me!


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