19: Rivals

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Hyun is waiting at home. Waiting for her brother to enter the house as he always does. But he never came.

She starts walking around in circles, placing her hand under her chin. She finally decides to grab her phone and call Taehyung. She finds his contact and tries calling, but he's not picking up.

- Time skip -

Taehyung stands up from the bed. Jungkook fell asleep again. The smaller observes the sleeping boy for a while.

He's so beautiful.

With those words in mind, Taehyung turns around and walks out of the room. He left a note for Jungkook, saying he's going for a walk.

He doesn't want to go back home. Hyun will be there... she will probably say something about Jungkook's image or whatever. Taehyung holds a hand to his cheek, it's still swollen.

He walks down to the river. It's quiet and peaceful, not many people are out. Taehyung walks slowly, he's wearing his hoodie over his head again. He kicks the small rocks on the ground, getting lost in his thoughts.

- Time skip -

Hyun is walking in the direction of Jungkook's house. Taehyung will definitely be there.

She looks at the water running past her. It's a beautiful and calming sight. She smiles to herself, but it disappeared when she thinks about the scene at school.

She starts feeling bad. She really has been an asshole... but Taehyung isn't making it easier for himself, what is she supposed to do?

She reaches a smaller tunnel and walks under it. Her eyes are looking at the ground when her view is suddenly disturbed by a pair of old worn shoes. Shoes she knows a little too well.

Her hair flips as she looks up, focusing her eyes at the boy in front of her. Taehyung is staring at her, a little confused by the sudden encounter.

"Tae-" Hyun tries to say, but Taehyung turns around and starts walking with a fast pace towards the opening of the tunnel.

Hyun quickly runs after him. She grabs his sleeve and holds him back, they stop. Taehyung is not turning around, just looking in the other direction.

"Let go," he warns, his voice is deeper than normally and there are no feelings in his tone. Hyun struggles to find words but doesn't let go of the elder.

"Wait Taehyung, I'm sorry" she's finally able to say, waiting for the elder to respond, but he just tries to get free of her grip.

"I didn't know they would do that to you... I didn't know what to do," she says in between her breaths, trying to calm her racing heart. "Why didn't you say anything? And now we probably have to move again" the girl says as she sighs.

That's it.

Taehyung rips his arm away, causing Hyun to stumble a few steps back.

"LIKE I GIVE A SHIT!" Taehyung screams into the face of his sister. His eyes are glaring and his body shaking due to anger.

"You never fucking cared about me anyway! I kept it a secret so we didn't have to move again! But I don't give a shit anymore! Your shitty and selfish ass can fuck off!" Taehyung is almost breathless after saying all the harsh words. Surprisingly enough, he doesn't feel the slightest regret. He's actually pleased with the scared and shocked look on his sister's face.

"I-" Hyun tries to say, but Taehyung cuts her off. "Having a brother like me must be hard right? Not being able to have the perfect image because you're born into a family like this. I feel so sorry for you!" The words just keep coming, Taehyung doesn't know how to make it stop.

"You're right! Your life would be so much better without me! So, I'm so sorry to ruin your not so perfect little life with my SHITTY one!" the last words are loud enough to create an echo inside the small tunnel.

Hyun is still shocked when she feels a tear run down her cheek. She sees a slight discomfort in Taehyung's face, but it disappears so fast she starts wondering it has ever been there.

Taehyung is shocked by the younger's tears, but the anger wins him over and he turns around. He won't let her get the final word.

Hyun is left alone in the tunnel, her tears running wilder. She looks after her brother as he leaves the tunnel, not turning around.

"I will always protect you"

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