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Alexander sat on his bed, casually writing down a couple things, when Hercules bursts into the room, causing him to start and fall off the bed. "Damn it, Herc," He muttered, pulling himself from the ground. "You do that every freaking day."

"And you still freak out every single day." Hercules snickered, leaning against the door frame. Alexander muttered something under his breath that Hercules didn't catch.

"The hell is it this time? Did you find another cat?" Alexander asked, settling himself back onto his bed. Hercules shook his head.

"Though it'd be nice if I had found a cat, our acceptance letters came in the mail." Hercules said, waving two envelopes in the air. At this, Alexander jerked his head up.

"Seriously?!" He exclaimed, leaping up and snatching the envelope Hercules handed to him. Alexander stared at it for a moment, frozen with excitement.

"I'll leave you in peace." Hercules laughed, rolling his eyes as he disappeared back into the house. Alexander carefully, but excitedly, opened the envelope and read it over quickly.

"YESSSSSSS!!!" He screeched. From downstairs, Hercules laughed with his parents.

"Ah, well. That's Alexander for you." Sarah, Hercules' mother, said, chuckling lightly. Hercules shrugged.

"I wouldn't have it any other way." He replied, casting an amused glance at Alexander, who had bounded down the stairs and was now prancing around like a little schoolgirl.

* * *

John was leaning back against the wall of his room when something slid underneath his door. Confused, he stood and picked up a thick envelope. As he read the front, he smiled slightly. "Nice. I got accepted." He said to himself, shaking his head lightly. He opened it, read it over, and placed it on his desk, deciding to pack later today.

He left his room and was almost immediately brought into a hug. He looked to see his mother and his three youngest siblings hugging him tightly. "We're so proud of you, John." Martha, his mother, whispered. John let out a wheeze.

"Okay, great. I kinda need to breath though." John gasped out. They let him go and he took a dramatic breath of air.

"Oh, stop it. You're not dying." Martha, his oldest sister, said, exasperated.

"How do you know? You ain't a doctor." John pointed out. Martha sighed and patted his shoulder once.

"If you were really dying, I'd know that the government was coming for us." Martha said solemnly, staring him directly in the eyes. John laughed and shook his head.

"I'll be sure to let you know if I find out anything." John replied easily. Martha nodded and congratulated him briefly before disappearing into her room, presumably to continue her research. All the while, John was acutely aware of his father glaring at him from his room. John ignored his scathing gaze and thanked his mother before heading downstairs and pulling leftover rice from the fridge.

He had heated it up and began to eat when his phone buzzed in his pocket. He put down the bowl and briefly glancing at it before nearly spitting out the rice he had in his mouth in laughter.

Herc: Yo John. If ya got accepted to the university, your gonna meet a new friend. He's currently running around the house, screeching about how awesome it is that he was accepted or something. I dunno. Just brace yourself.

John: Oof. I'd like to meet him though. He seems fun.

Herc: We can go look at the dorms next week. I'll make sure you meet him then.

John: Consider it set.

John shook his head slowly before shoveling another spoonful of rice into his mouth.

*     *     *

     Lafayette turned on the stove just as mail slid through the mail slot in his door. He put the cover on a pot of water before going over to the mail and sifting through it. "Très bon." He said, smiling to himself as he looked at the first envelope. An acceptance letter for the university they had all applied to.

A few seconds later, his phone vibrated on the counter. He placed the mail on the kitchen table and picked up his phone.

Herc: Yo. Did you get accepted?

Laf: Oui.

Herc: Perfect. John, Alexander, and I are planning to go check out the dorms next week. You in?

Laf: Mais bien sûr.

Herc: No idea what that means, but I'm guessing you're in.

Laf: Of course, Herc.

*     *     *

     Andrea was currently dragging Ash through campus. "Making our way to college. Walking fast. Dragging Ash. Let's get home now. To du du to du." Ash looked to the sky in exasperation.

     "What did I do to deserve this."

     They arrived at their dorm building and almost immediately found their dorm on the second floor. Andrea finally let Ash go and they breathed a sigh of relief. "Thank God." They muttered, taking out their key from their pocket and unlocking the door. Ash shifted the bags on their shoulders before disappearing into the dorm.

     Andrea set down a box and her bags by the couch and sat down on it before digging around in her box and pulling out her sketchbook and drawing pencils. "I'll unpack later." She told herself and she flipped to a certain page and continued one of her many unfinished drawing commissions.

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