Chapter 2

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*The next day*

Alexander's POV

I was already awake when my phone started ringing. I sighed, put down my pencil, and looked at the caller ID. Herc, again. I answered, reluctantly, and put the phone to my ear. "Wake up, sleepyhead!" He yelled from the other end.

"I've been up for hours, Herc. The hell is it this time?" I asked, not really caring at this point.

"Firstly, Laf and I are roommates! Can you believe it? And you and John are rooming together, I hear." He exclaimed. This, of course, I already knew.

"Stop stating the obvious. And what's so important that you have to yell anyway?" I said. He paused for a few moments before responding.

"I'm taking you to go meet some more old friends of mine." Herc replied.

"I'd rather not." I muttered. Herc laughed on the other end.

"It wasn't a question. Be out in five or imma have John drag you out by your goddamn ankles." Herc threatened.

"Fine." I sighed before hanging up. Today is going to be a long day, I can feel it. I stood and put away my writings before pocketing my phone, slipping on my jacket, and left my room. I was planning to just sleep the day away and store energy like a goddamn hibernating bear. But, whatever. Being "social" had better be worth it.

* * *

I was walking through campus with Herc, Laf, and John. Herc and Laf were debating whether coffee or tea was better, but I couldn't be bothered to listen. So long as it has caffeine, I'll drink the damned thing. John walked in silence, probably only half listening to the pointless debate his friends were having.

Eventually, we came to the girls' dorm building. I half wanted to ask if we were allowed in, but I decided against it as John held the door open. We all walked inside and climbed a few flights of stairs before Herc knocked on one of the doors.

It swung open to reveal a light-skinned girl with raven black hair, a light blue sweater, and a dark blue knee-length skirt. "Hey, guys," She greeted, smiling. "Come on in!" She moved farther into the dorm as we walked inside. The living room itself was significantly larger than almost my own entire dorm, I noticed.

Another girl with curly brown hair poked her head out from the kitchen. "Oh, hey, guys." She said, coming over to us. She looked at me curiously. "And this must be who you were telling me about." She stretched out her hand for me to shake. "Angelica Schuyler." I took her hand and shook it once.

"Alexander Hamilton." I replied. The "blue" girl then spoke.

"And I'm Elizabeth Schuyler, but just call me Eliza." I nodded and John looked around once.

"Where's Pegster. She would've made an entrance by now." He asked. Angelica shrugged.

"She said she was going to the library, which is highly unlikely, but I'm sure she'll be back soon." John let out a half-laugh and sat down on the couch with Eliza and Herc. Eliza motioned for me to sit next to her, so I did.

"Herc tells me you both have been friends for ages. But what do you think of him, personally?" She lowered her voice on the last sentence and I snickered lightly.

"Well, he's a good friend. Maybe a bit overbearing and loud at times, but he means well." I replied. She laughed and smiled before looking over at Herc.

"Ya see, Herc? He's sparing your feelings." She teased, sticking her tongue out at him. Herc snorted.

"As if. Alex would never betray me." Herc replied, chuckling. Angelica was leaning on the top of the couch, laughing at the entire exchange. I think I could get used to being around these guys after all.

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