Chapter 3

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     Ash's POV

     Andrea and I walked out of Peggy and her sisters' dorm building. Andrea was going off about how amazing everyone is and how she can't wait to hang out with them more. "How can you trust a group of people you've literally just met and know almost nothing about?" I asked once she had paused to wait for my input. She rolled her eyes playfully.

     "Oh, Ash. Always the cautious one. I think they're okay, though. They're all really cool." Andrea replied. I sighed and shrugged. We continued walking and eventually made it back to our dorm building. As we walked through the lobby to get to the stairs, I noticed two people looking at the signs with the room numbers on each floor. The smaller of them looked in my direction and I immediately trained my gaze elsewhere. I didn't want them to get the idea that I was staring or something.

     We make it back to our dorm and Andrea basically leaped onto the couch and picked up her sketchbook and her favorite pencil. As she continues her drawing, I go to my room. With nothing better to do, I kicked off my shoes and decided to leave my socks on. I laid on my bed, staring at the ceiling.

     What felt like seconds later, I opened my eyes and sat up. I looked over at my window and realized it had gotten dark. Must've fallen asleep. I stretched and let out a yawn before swinging my legs over the side of the bed and reluctantly stood up. Might as well check on Andrea, see what she's up to.

I opened my door and stepped out into the hallway. Andrea was huddled on the couch, watching the television with an annoyed expression. She suddenly said, "Edward, you disgust me." I stepped into the living room and sat in the armchair next to the couch.

      "Don't tell me you're watching Twilight." I said, watching Edward zoom around on the television screen. Andrea looked over at me.

     "I'm watching it for analytical reasons. People on the internet are saying Twilight is a great movie series, so I'm watching them to prove that they're wrong. These movies are terrible." She defended. I shrugged and plopped into the armchair next to the couch.

     "You do you, Andrea." I replied, pulling my legs up and curling into a little ball. I turned so I could watch the movie, though it really wasn't much to look at. It was mostly just Bella and Edward staring at each other. And that's no exaggeration.

     Andrea fell asleep just as the movie ended. I turned off the television, pulled a blanket over her, and adjusted a pillow for her head. "I probably won't even sleep tonight." I sighed to myself, getting up from the armchair and dragging myself back into my room.

Alexander's POV

I paced around my room, trying to think of certain synonyms for the word "indeed" or "likewise", because I use those same words too often. Whenever one came to mind, I made my way back over to my desk and jotted it down. "Yo, Alex!" John called from outside. I paused in my note taking and took a peek outside my door. John was standing by the front door. "Lafayette and Hercules are coming and Hercules threatened to break the door down. You'd better hide while you can." I let out a sigh of exasperation.

"Thanks for the warning, John. Why the hell do they wanna come now?" I said, adding the last question under my breath. I closed the door to my room and snuck under the covers of my bed. I didn't want to leave the coziness that was my room. Besides, it's not like they're going to take me anywhere I need to go anyway. About a minute later, the door burst open and Hercules stomped into my room.

"Alex! Wake up!" He shouted, pulling the covers off of me, and I let out a groan of annoyance.

"Why? What could possibly be happening right now that I would need to leave the comfort of this room?" I asked bluntly, curling up.

"If I promise we'll go to the bookstore and I'll buy you a few books, will you come?" Hercules offered. I sat up and looked at him.

"You have my attention."

* * *

I sighed as Hercules dragged me through Michael's, desperately looking through the more expensive fabrics. "They had a sale today and I needed your opinion." Was his only reasoning.

"What exactly are you looking for?" I asked, ready to leave. He paused for a moment before replying.

"Anything extremely soft that won't be itchy." Hercules replied vaguely. I let out a deep groan before beginning to search through the alpaca wool.

     "Here." I said, tossing a roll of black alpaca wool at him. He caught it and felt it over before his eyes lit up with satisfaction.

     "Yes, this is perfect! Grab a few other colours and then we can leave." He decided, grinning to himself. I sighed with relief and grabbed dark gray, royal purple, navy blue, and mahogany.

     "There. Happy? Let's go pay so we can leave." I said, silently hoping he wouldn't need to find anything else. Hercules headed towards an open cash register and set down his fabrics, motioning for me to do the same. I set them down and waited for him to pay before grabbing one of the two bags Hercules carried.

     "Now, let's head down to the bookstore and get your books." Hercules said, tugging on my sleeve and pulling me along as he continued down the street at faster-than-normal walking pace, causing me to stumble and trip along beside him.

We eventually came to a Barnes and Noble at the end of the block and he took me inside before motioning to the books and saying, "Go pick out what you want. I'll be by the café."

Alexander murmured a quiet thanks before heading upstairs to the young adult section. He sifted through the books until he found a few fascinating titles. And he picked up a couple mangas as well, just because. He made his way back downstairs and found Hercules, who took the books and made his way over to the cashier to pay.

"You really don't have to do this, y'know." Alexander told him as they were stepping up to the counter. Hercules let out a laugh.

"You're basically my little brother. It's my job to take care of you. Just consider it a present, yeah?" Hercules said, taking out two hundred dollar bills and handing it to the cashier once she'd scanned their books, insisting she keeps the change. Hercules and Alexander took their books and left, leaving the cashier stunned and shouting a hasty thank-you to the pair.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 28, 2020 ⏰

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