Chapter 1

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*A week later*

     Alexander's POV

     I had packed all my belongings into two bags and was waiting by the door for Hercules. "Dude, hurry up! You take too long to grab a couple bags!" I yelled.

     "I can't decide whether to bring cashmere or alpaca wool!" Hercules yelled back. I sighed with exasperation.

     "I'll carry one, just get down here!" I called back. After a few moments, he came downstairs with a huge bag and quite a few boxes. "You do realize you don't live that far away from you parents, right?" I asked as he carried them to the door.

     "I wanted independence." He replied simply, somehow managing to open the door and walk to the car with the boxes balancing in his arms.

     "Christ." I muttered, following after him to the car. Sarah and Hugh, Herc's parents, poked their heads outside.

     "Do you want us to drive you?" Hugh asked.

     "Nah. We gotta learn how to be independent." Herc replied, placing his stuff in the back of the mini van. Sarah and Hugh laughed as I looked at him incredulously.

     "It's you, not we. I'm not being dragged into that whole mess." I said, placing my stuff at my feet in the passenger seat. Herc laughed and sat in the drivers' seat before starting the engine.

     "Whatever you say, Hamilton." Herc snickered, shaking his head. We waved a brief goodbye to his parents before he drove us up the road. It was early in the afternoon, so there was a bit of traffic. But by now, I've gotten used to not being able to go anywhere and not be in traffic for at least thirty minutes both ways.

     He drove through the gate and parked in our designated dorm building parking lot. Each dorm building had an office and ours, building H, was not far from the parking spot. We left the stuff in the car and walked into the building, going directly into the office. "Good afternoon, how may I help you?" A voice asked from behind the desk.

     I walked up and returned the greeting. "Heya. Name's Alexander Hamilton. And that's Hercules Mulligan. We'd like our dorm assignments and class schedules please." She nodded.

     "Of course." She replied. She typed a few things into the computer, looked at me, then Hercules, before something printed and she handed me two folders and two key rings. "Each folder has one of your name's on them. They contain your schedules and where your classes are located. Your key is for dorm number 176 and his is 177. The numbers are printed onto the key." I nodded, pocketed my key, and handed Herc his stuff.

     "We're right next to each other." Herc pointed out happily. I smiled slightly.

     "Yeah! It's pretty cool." I replied, following him back to the car.

"Oh! And a couple of my friends wanted to meet you. They got accepted here too, so we're meeting at the on-campus coffee shop in a bit." He told me, taking his stuff out of the trunk.

"You mean like, Lafayette and John?" I queried, lifting my bags with little effort and placing Herc's material around my neck. He nodded, balancing the boxes again and we began walking into the building.

I took a quick glance at the room guide on the wall before turning to the stairs. "Can't we take the elevator?" Herc wheezed out. I laughed lightly before following him to the elevator. He pressed the button for the first floor of rooms, which is actually above a cafeteria and a small library. The second the doors opened, I took one of his boxes and carried it to his door, which was just down the hall.

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