Broken Promises

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Summary: Set after Infinity war, of course. So basically the reader is one of the unfortunate ones to be taken out after the snap. Steve doesn't know what to do anymore, he doesn't know where to even start and it's hitting him hard. Of course, he will reminisce. This will alternate between flashbacks and present time. 

Flashbacks will be in italics, and the rest will be the normal stuff. Italics are a person's thoughts. example; ' sample.'

Timeskips and/ or changes in scenery are both identified by the little periods I put to separate them. I , of course, own nothing but the story itself. The characters mentioned and used are not property of mine of course.

Broken Promises

Each and every corner of the building was haunted with former sounds of laughter, echoes of past conversations, and unity. All without knowing it, they had marked every part of the place in which they had once called home, leaving bits and pieces of themselves to recollect of later. He could even hear his own voice, former conversations he remembers having, ones that had been so frivolous he never thought to revisit them again and had gone so far as to have forgotten what brought them forth.

A genuine smile tinged with a lingering sadness slightly tugged at his face, a show of the bittersweet feeling that had nested over him as he recalled such gleeful moments in such a grievous time.

Hidden within the mix of old babble was a voice... one so hauntingly beautiful and familiar that once he had recognized it, he immediately shifted all of his focus onto it, leaving everything else forgotten. And it soon rang louder, crying out for his attention, wanting to be the only thing he could even think of. The other sounds, both from his time and from the resurfacing past gradually grew quieter, leaving only hers to take the spotlight.

She called out to him with stifled giggles, like a child in play, wanting to be followed and found in a game of Innocent hide and seek. And he could just imagine the impish little look she wore, adorable in every sense of the word, because to him, there wasn't another sight that could compare to her expressive joys. Aimlessly walking forward, and blindly stepping towards wherever she guided him, he stopped right where she sounded the closest. Having been snared by her calls, which in truth were only a play of his own mind, he was lead to the one place that had been the most tainted by her presence.

At the end of his journey, he found himself with a familiar wooden door, one he'd cross through many times before. Blankley, he stared at it, silently lifting his hand to touch the only thing blocking him from his true destination.

In truth, he had wanted to avoid the haunted area the most and had decided beforehand to save himself the heartache. Because there was nothing to discover, nothing held within the four walls that would serve any purpose but make him reminisce. And he didn't need to walk backward and fall into the past, he needed to find a gateway forward, something to bring back everything that had been taken.

With weary, dulled eyes he continued to glare at the door, his hand still laying over the wooden piece, hesitating to take the final step forward.

' There's nothing for me here.' he argued to himself, yet slowly glided his hand down to the stainless steel door handle.

"And yet here I am," he muttered, inhaling deeply through his nostrils, and with a single movement, he pulled the handle down and pushed forward.

A very small, illusive part of him wanted to believe that everything before then had just been a nightmare, a vivid dream filled with all of his fears. And that just beyond that door she remained untroubled, her finger lazily skipping over various channels to find something good enough to pay attention to. But all the wishful thinking in the world couldn't overrule reality, and as he walked into the empty room, he felt cold chills crawl over his entire body, riddling the skin over his arms with little risen bumps. He felt an icy envelopment coddle him near, the only form of welcome that he'd been greeted with upon entering the large building.

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