Chapter 23: Quit Playing Games

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The hobbit was trying to hide from her. Perhaps he had not expected to find a live dragon down here? Smaug thought for a second. Had Thorin sent him down here well aware that there was a chance he would get killed and had not bothered to even give him all details? And why had Thorin not come by himself ? The hobbit was such a naïve little creature and Thorin had taken advantage of it. This was a cowardly betrayal. She gritted her teeth and stepped down from the pedestal. Looking for the hobbit under it. Perhaps she could make him see some sense. From all she had seen and heard Thorin was and would always be and greedy coward. He risked other people's lives to gain what he craved. He was just like all other dwarves she had met in her long life. She glimpsed a little blue between the pillars and leaned down a bit as she walked around the pedestal. "It is Oakenshield. That filthy dwarvish usurper!" She glimpsed the shining stone and little head peeking out. " He sent you in here for the Arkenstone, didn't he?" Despise filled her mind as well as her tone. From the corner of her eye she saw movement. "No, no, no, I don't know what you're talking about I..." She turned around "Don't bother denying it! I guessed his foul purpose some time ago" She could feel she was agitated and her temper was growing hotter by the minute and that puny little creature was still trying to lie to her. She had seen Thorin's true intentions whether he had shown them to her willingly or not. The lives of others did not matter to him on his quest to retrieve the gold he craved even in his sleep. He would not hesitate to do horrible things she just knew it. He just like the other dwarves and the people of Lake Town had been corrupted. She should know. She would recognise that greedy kind of mind anywhere. But that little hobbit would probably not listen to reason. Just like the proud dwarves. He tried to fool her and talked to her as if she was just a stupid reptile or an orc! He actually thought her intellect was the as one of those filthy insects?! She would prove him wrong. Then she noticed something. In his eyes. They held fear that's was certain but there was also a confused stare and it held the tiniest flicker of recognition as he stared at her eyes. The little one had recognised her. Well, that was a pleasant surprise and she tried to hide her smirk. He still seemed mostly scared and fumbled with his words so maybe she could still play with him a little more and maybe even make him see what Thorin had done and was planning to do. She leaned down and tried to catch a glimpse of Bilbo she sighed inside her head. "But it matters not Oakenshield's quest will fail. A darkness is coming. It will spread throughout the land" She knew he would not understand what she meant. Nor believe her. But she felt it. She could hear it in the wind and see how the world had begun to fade. Signs of upcoming death and ruin that was invisible to the eyes of man and dwarf and whispers of the sleepless malice she knew all too well. The very thing she had tried to rid her mind off for centuries.

Bilbo leaned against a pillar. What did she mean? It truly seemed she hated the dwarves but how so? He remembered how Thorin had cursed her and threatened her in Lake Town, and how harsh he had been during the entire trip. But something else seemed to matter. She seemed, dare he say, distressed, about something. Something that might not relate to the quest or the company. He was ripped from his thoughts as she spoke again, "You have been used Thief in the Shadows. You were only ever a means to an end. The coward Oakenshield has weighed the value of your life and found it worth nothing!" she sneered. Why did she say such things? Did she truly hate him and the company? This went against what he had seen and felt on their journey. He remembered one night after the eagles had saved them.

They had camped on a hillside and were trying to get some sleep. He failed miserably. He turned on his cot and noticed Thorin looking out from the edge of the small cliff. He was starring at the small shadow of the mountain. Then Bilbo heard twigs snapping and saw a taller figure standing beside him. He could tell it was Fray from the auburn braid reaching down her middle back and the sword always hanging on her back. Thorin did not seem to take notice of her and she looked at the mountain as well. She was the first to speak, "Why are you so keen on retaking Erebor? Had you not build yourself a life elsewhere with plenty?" He did not spare her glance. "From where I am standing it would seem you value that treasure above anything else even your family" This made him reply, "I want to take Erebor because it is my right and that treasure is a part of my family inheritance. I want my nephews to see what we have accomplished. Even if the gold has now been cursed by that vicious beast" Bilbo thought he saw Fray tense by this statement but it was gone in a second. "The gold was cursed before the dragon came. Your grandfather was driven mad. If it even was the gold in the first place" her voice grew lower. Thorin turned his head ever so slightly towards her "What do you mean? If it was not the gold then what?" She did not look at him. She sighed, "There is more darkness in this world than what you believe you are facing" "And what is that? Do you find my quest hopeless and a waste? A dragon is a mindless beast that kills unnecessarily and only desires gold. I see it my duty to rid the world of this creature" She turned her head and to Bilbo it looked like her eyes were glowing in the dark starless night. "You know nothing Thorin Oakenshield" Have you seen the world to the North? To the East and the South? Have you glimpsed the far western coasts bathed in light?" She took a step forward, "You are not one to judge another. Evil will always find a way unless it is stopped. Sometimes it has to be stopped with cruelty and if no one is prepared to do so, the world might as well die. If there is no darkness there cannot be light" She bent down and placed a hand on Thorin's shoulder " Remember Thorin, one must know the full story behind the act and be prepared to act against what others deem right for only your heart can tell darkness from light. Do not risk a life for one's own gain or let greed cloud judgement. Love cannot always prevail. Sometimes one must use all power to stop the darkness and later count the cost and perhaps life with it. I myself have done many things but I am not ashamed I stand by my choices as they were my own and not a command from one who thought himself better." Thorin stepped back a little uneasy, "I want to protect my people from whatever malice that lies in this world I would kill for my family" Fray stood up , "Just remember what I said Thorin. Sometimes there is more to a person than meets the eye." She left him and passed Bilbo, "Lady Fray?" He whispered and she stopped and bent down to him, "You said something about a darkness that was not the cursed gold or the dragon. What did you mean?" She looked at him with almost pity in her eyes, "Little one, the world is full of darkness no one can claim himself completely good. But what I fear is something that is for certain completely dark and that is something I hope never to face again" Bilbo listened carefully, "Again? What do you mean? Again?" She shook her head, "Get some sleep little one, you will need your strength the road is still long" He looked at her, Should we not worry about this darkness?" She shook her head, "Sleep Bilbo. That is the only thing you need to worry about" and with that she was gone into the shadows of the night.She had not answered his questions but this actually made him relax  a little more and well assured and believing she would be there to protect them he fell asleep.

Bilbo shook his head, "No, no you're lying!" Why would she not stop with these games? He had realised she was toying with him. Making him doubt and ask questions. However, he was also thinking. Could there be more to this, than plain murder and revenge? Was she actually playing these little mind games with the purpose to make him think these things? Why would she not just tell him why did it have to be so complicated. He sighed and looked for the stone. He had after all given his word to Thorin and the others and he would not go back on his word. As certain as his name was Bilbo Baggins. He took a chance and ran for the stone. It was within his reach just as he felt himself fly through the air and hit a column as the dragon rumbled behind him.

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