Kakyion x Reader

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Walking down the hallways that belonged to your school, you just felt so empty and dark.

Nothing really matters, not to you.

Not JoJo and his fan girls.
Not your project due next week.
Or that test tomorrow.
Or even your future.

Maybe you won't even have one.

It's just the same routine. Wake up, change, brush your teeth, eat, go to school, do your work, walk to work from school, work, walk home, eat, shower, sleep. The same cycle that never ends.

You live alone, your parents died when you were 12. Your abusive uncle took you in, but you left at 15. Your 17 now.

Anyways, at school, it was just another day of another cycle.

But, you saw a new face.

He had red hair, with a curly piece on the side. He had violet eyes, and cherry-looking earrings.

But, why should you care?

You just continued walking.

~~Time skip at work~~

You got into your cafe uniform, and walked to new customers.

It was Jotaro and the new guy with red hair.

"Hello, what can I get for you today?" You say, with your same full voice.

"Plain coffee." Jotaro said.

"I'll have a coffee with creamer." The red haired guy said. You nodded and turned.

"Wait!" The guy said.

"My apologies."

"By any chance, do you have cherries?"

"Erm, yes sir, we do."

"Can I get some?"

"This is a first." You thought to yourself.
You nodded, and walked away.

"Yare yare daze. Really, Kakyion?" You overheard Jotaro saying his name.

So, Kakyions his name. Huh?

You set their orders on the tables, when after a while, you saw Jotaro get up and leave. Kakyion was still seated.

He just sat there staring out the window at the nice sunset. Everyone was gone, but you had to stay and clean the place.


You turned to see Kakyion look at you.

"Er, how can I help you? Anything you need?"

"Yes." He said "Can you sit with me?"

That was an odd request, but you walked up and sat in the empty seat.

"Y-yes?" You stuttered.

He just looked at you and smiled.

"You seem lonely. Let's be friends."

You looked at him uncomfortably. Why would he want to be friends with you? You weren't special, you weren't gorgeous like the girls at school, and you're basically the nobody. Why would he want to be friends with you?


He frowned. "You don't have to say yes. You just seem lonely and someone as pretty as you shouldn't feel that way." He smiled.

You just sat there in shock and was flattered. You wanted to say "I don't need your pity!", but there was something about

He smiled. "Great! I'll walk you home after your done!"

You sat there blankly, but got up and finished your work. It took about 15 minutes, but you were surprised that Kakyion was so patient and stood outside. You closed the store, and walked out. Kakyion walked beside you with a slight smile.

"So, why do you wanna be my friend anyway?"

He didn't answer. There was a new arcade that just opened up, and you see a group of kids walk into it.

"Do you have anything to do?" Kakyion said.

"No, why?"

"Do you wanna go to the arcade with me?" He said with a smile.

"Are you kidding, arcades aren't for 17 year old high schoolers." You said, laughing.

You gasped and covered your mouth. It's been years since you laughed, and all of this was just a shock to you.

"Who cares?" Kakyion dragged your arms into the arcade. He bought tokens, and gave you half.

Suddenly you guys heard a loud F-MEGA!!!!

"Wanna play?"

You both ended up playing video games until it was nighttime, so Kakyion walked you home. You were walking on the sidewalk, but you couldn't help but feel like someone was following you.

"Hey pretty girl."

You turned around to see a middle aged fat man, who grabbed you.

"G-get away from me!-"

"Come on, let's have some fun."

He had an oder of alcohol, and you wanted to get away as fast as possible. The man grabbed you and grinned.

"S-stop!" You said, stuttering. The man wouldn't stop, and reached for behind you.

"She said stop, so be a gentleman and stop."

The man stopped and walked away with a "hmph".

"K-Kakyion.." you burst into tears.

He reached out to hug you, and you held on as tightly as possible. You cried in his arms, and blushed knowing that this was a guy.


"Yes, y/n?"

"Th-thank you..."

"For what? Every guy would help in a situation like this." He looked in your eyes.

You just blushed and hugged him more.


Aghhhh I haven't published in like 2 months.

Sorry guys :')

Then I see 285 reads

And now I'm suddenly motivated

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And now I'm suddenly motivated

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