Chapter Five ~ You Have To Meet My Family.

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At work the next day the couple kept sparing glances and grins at each other. The meeting drug on longer than usual for them. Matthew came over to Gilbert when the meeting was over and helped him with his books. 

Gilbert faked rolled his eyes and sighed jokingly. “Stop stealing my moves, Williams!” Matthew rolled his eyes back and sighed softly. “Hah, whatever Gil, you taught me how to do that so therefore I’m able to use it without being a thief.” Gilbert couldn't hold up the act, he began laughing harshly, “Oh god Mattie stop it! You're killing me!” Matthew sassily flipped his hair and threw his free hand up. “One cannot physically kill with words hunny.” Gilbert just laughed harder, his chest shaking softly. “So Mr. Beilschmidt?” 

Gilbert nodded coming down from the laughing fit. “Yes Mr.Williams?” 

“What are you doing tonight? My family kind of wants to meet you!” Gilbert's jaw loosened a bit.  

“Wait is it bad I haven’t talked to my brother since we started dating? Tonight?! Gah! Francis doesn't know it’s me yet, hes going to kill me for dating you.. Strangely that won't matter because I’ll do anything to show him that I’m great for you.. As for Alfred and Arthur, I’m not sure that they’ll be so easily convinced.”

Matthew shrugged “When Alfred goes to war we don’t talk for months at a time. Don’t you dare freak out. They’ll love you, they’ll just be mad that my secret lover was dangling right in front of them.” Gilbert got up and took his books from Matthew. As they walked down the big familiar hallway Gilbert responded. “Fine but that means eventually you will have to come have dinner with my brother. He’s a lot scarier than your whole family.”

 Matthew nodded as they walked “Ok, but at least do me a dignity and tell him I’m your boyfriend. You don’t have to tell him who I am. I’m certain that he’d just get confused if you tried anyways.” Gilbert nodded and groaned at that. “What time and where?” Matthew gave a precise time and an address of a restaurant. They separated once more. Gilbert spent all the time possible getting ready. When it was time to walk out the door Gilbert was more than ready.

He had on a suit and a fancy one at that, matching tie and all. When he entered the restaurant his heart was pounding, he rounded the corner and that's when he saw Matthews perfectly dysfunctional family. They still didn't notice him as he approached. “Matthew! Mon dieu why won’t you just tell us who he is?!” Francis said, his accent shining through it all. “Yeah dude, why can’t you just tell u-” 

Gilbert came into view of the family and Matthew nervously smiled as he got up to hug his boyfriend. “You look sexy..” Matthew whispered in his boyfriends ear. Gilbert smiled and hugged Matthew back. “Ah?!” Francis said in confusion. “Oh my..” Arthur said softly, in shock. “Hey! I know him! It’s Prussia! S’up dude?!” Gilbert sat in the open chair and politely postured himself. “Hallo guys.. Ja, ja the awesome me is dating Matthew.. Uh” Francis grinned evilly “So mon ami? Three weeks and neither of you cared to tell me that you guys were together?” 

“Papa, if you think about it, I was just waiting. Making sure that we didn't break up..”  A pause in conversation “Wait! you guys are dating?!” Alfred said. “That makes sense Francis, don’t make the boy answer to you, he’s grown, it’s nice that he’s even introducing us into the relationship this early.” Arthur said begrudgingly. “Francis, honestly I didn't know when or how to even put it. I’m just surprised none of you caught on.. I mean at the Valentines Day party. I guess we really haven’t been romantic around our friends and family yet. Sorry.” Francis took this all into consideration. 

“Oui, alright, I shall let all this be set aside, Matthew loves you and that's all I really care about.” Alfred was still stuck, “They’re dating?!” Matthew finally answered “Yes Alfred!” Alfred grinned and muttered, “Sweeett..” Gilbert swallowed hard “Thank you Francis” Francis still grinned at Gilbert, “ It’s really nothing mon ami.. So how have you been?” The subject was quickly changed from the relationship.

“I've been really good, y’know just trying to be with Matthew a lot and continue to keep my country well, the normal.” Francis and Alfred laughed at the joke, Arthur was too focused on the design of the table cloths. The rest of the dinner went nice and smoothly. In the end Matthews whole family approved of the relationship. Of course it wasn't necessary for Matthew to get this but it still felt really good to know that his family wasn't against it one bit. After the dinner Matthew and Gilbert stayed a few minutes to talk one-on-one. “Oh god Gil they were so surprised that it was you!” 

Gilbert smirked “I know! Hey! You know how we were supposed to go see a movie tomorrow?” “Yeah?” “I've gotten caught up with some paperwork. Could we maybe push it until Friday?” Matthew nodded softly “That’s okay!” 

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