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After a long ghosting with this account I am back. I want to clean up and continue posting fan fictions I would guess. I have been having a hard time writing! So I wanted to spice things up and give you guys a chapter about something I promised long ago. I have changed so much, and have become much less cliche with my writing and romance writing. I hope that this chapter is just as successful as everyone seems to have found the rest of this story. Thank you all so much, from the bottom of my heart. I also would like to address something. I have found this fan fiction (word for word) being re-uploaded by people who definitely did not help me edit or write this train wreck. No matter how much of a mess I realize it is, I still take claim, and it still makes me horribly sad. I am back here and I will try to provide relevant content.  I hope you guys will receive me well and not judge me on how bad and cringey my earlier writings were. Thank you all for reading and caring! 

Lay Me Down- A PruCan fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now