Chapter Nine ~ The First Flaw.

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Gilbert drove home and just laid around all watching reality t.v and trying to talk all the people in each show, out of doing stupid things in front of cameras. He wondered how people got paid so much for doing that for the public eye.

The albino lost track of time, being so caught up in the shows that by time he checked his phone it was nearly four-thirty. He didn’t actually get up and turn off his t.v until four-forty-five. He picked up his bag and threw on his converse yet again.

He drove to Matthews, not really sure of what they would do. Matthew met him at the door, smiling, and eyeing Gilbert. “Hi!” Chimed the Canadian as Gilbert was let in, the house looked amazing. It had a homely feel about it. “Hi..” Gilbert responded back thoughtfully after a few moments of mental exploration.

“It looks awesome in here.” Matthew was infact proud, to have something deemed awesome by Gilbert was a very big deal. “Thanks darling..” Matthew muttered softly as he stepped around Gilbert. It was awkward for Matthew to have people over and especially when it was his boyfriend.

The night passed with the same manner about it as the night before. The next six months passed without a hitch and Matthew did rub it in his brothers face. Gilbert often expressed his happiness to Antonio. The first true test of their love waited just around the corner though.

It was a normal world meeting party. Matthew and Gilbert were pumped up, ready to part and have each other to party with. Early in the drinking was heavy but Gilbert fell behind, he knew he made a fool out of himself when he got drunk and he didn’t want to risk it.

Matthew drank but only enough to get tipsy, if even that. A lot of people had showed up and Gilbert wasn’t really shocked to see his ex at the party. Roderich Edelstein, the proper, poised, and smart mouthed Austrian. What did shock Gilbert though was how much Roderich was drinking. Gilbert kept his arm laced around Matthew, cautiously.

When Matthew had to use the bathroom though, Roderich showed that he couldn’t maintain the distance Gilbert had tried to keep between them all night.

Gilbert swallowed hard as he was greeted by Roderich. A simple “Hello” had chills, the bad kind, running up his spine. “Hello Roderich..” Gilbert hesitantly responded as to not sound rude. “How are you doing today?”

“I’m doing awesome, how about yourself..”

“I’m alright.. Whom is that guy whos here with you?”

“My boyfriend of eight months.” As if on call Matthew returned. “What about me?” He said with a smile. “Ah, just talking about how awesome you are!” Gilbert chuckled softly and wrapped his arm around Matthew once more. “But, uh, Matthew, this is my ex Roderich.” Matthews face went hard for a moment then returned. He saw Roderich and Gilbert together a few times at world conferences.. Matthew knew that the only person Gilbert had gotten serious with in public was Roderich and to be honest it infuriated him in the slightest  just to see them talking.

“Hi, I’m Matthew Gilberts boyfriend.” Matthew said with an audible edge.

“ I would say it’s nice to meet you, but if I’m being frank, it isn’t.” Roderich snapped. Gilbert was completely offended, but he couldn’t stop listening as he held back the strong urge to punch the Austrian in the face.

“Excuse you?” Matthew remarked before Gilbert could get his two sense in.

“I was hoping that you were another one of his show and tell projects.. He’s had so many.. Me, I was the only special one.” Roderich also began to look infuriated as he spoke. “Surprising he’s still a virgin, he seems such a cheap whore type what with all the relationships he’s had..” Gilbert was now clenching his fists as he blushed shamefully. Gilbert had never heard Matthew raise his voice before so when Matthew next spoke it scared him a bit.

“What are you talking about?! Seriously you prick! You don’t even know about his sex life! And you obviously need to rethink what you just said!! You claim he’s a virgin so therefore you totally just contradicted yourself in saying he’s a cheap whore!!” Roderich rolled his eyes and pouted. “ He and I dated right before you guys.. He told me everything even about his sex life.. Aw, you jealous much? Well believe me, I’m not too happy with this either.. I wanted to be his first.” Gilbert raised his fist and thought about it a moment.

“You know what Roderich..? I didn’t tell you about everything.” Matthew didn’t hold back for words though, he lashed out at the Austrian, yelling a string of French curse words as he did so. His fist connected with Roderich’s jaw. Gilbert went wide eyed and he pulled Matthew back as Roderich raised a hand to cradle his own bruising jaw.  

The couple walked away nervously teetering. “I’m so sorry.. Matthew, he’s really drunk and you shouldn’t have to fight these unawesome battles for me..” Matthew responded, “ Gilbert, I don’t care if he was drunk or sober.. He was offending you terribly. I am not sorry for punching him, he deserved it. He was basically sitting there taunting me ‘Come on Matthew, punch me!’ and he was being rude to you.. It made me extremely mad, I just couldn’t hold back.. You're not mad at me are you?” Gilbert shook his head.

“No! Not at all! I’m glad that you stuck up for me.. I would’ve gone about it differently so I didn’t get sued, who am I kidding? If somebody was being rude to you I would introduce my awesome fists with their face... God I love you.. Thank you!” Matthew sighed in relief and smiled softly.

“Yes, I love you too! Thats why I did it.” Nothing else happened that night until it was time to go home. Gilbert went out to start the car. Matthew was inside giving his last goodbyes, too caught up to notice the Austrian walking out after Gilbert.

Roderich was up to no good as he snuck up behind the Prussian. He pinned Gilbert against the car he was just about to get into. Roderich smashed his lips against Gilberts and kept a surprisingly strong hold on the albino, one of his hands feeling comfortable enough to drift down to Gilberts rear and linger there.

Matthew of course came just in time to witness the monstrous scene and from the angle he was positioned Gilbert didn’t appear to be struggling or protesting (though he was struggling with every will in him.) Matthew was almost frozen with horror. When the shock was worn off enough for him to move once more he shouted, “ I really cared about you!! You douchebag!”. He ran setting a course for his brothers house, which wasn't too far away, already starting to tear up and sniffle. Gilbert kneed the Austrian in the crotch a bit too late, Matthew had seen and obviously didn’t comprehend that it was forced.

Gilbert tried to run after Matthew but he found out that his boyfriends height put him at a disadvantage. He cried out Matthews name several times as he struggled to keep up.. Gilbert wasn’t successful in reaching his boyfriend.  He fell to his knees and sobbed. He really hadn’t  done anything wrong.. He loved Matthew far too much to just cheat like that. As he sobbed in defeat Roderich came to Gilbert side and found ways to make matters worse.

“Aw, well, if you ever are in need of a new boyfriend.. Or just someone to mess around with, and forget about.. Who? Oh yeah, Canada, the loser whom no one can remember.. I’m always here for you.” Gilbert growled softly, still sobbing he stood.

“Do you really think I even want to so much as hear your stupid annoying voice right now?! You just ruined my life Roderich! You are so lucky that its illegal for me to kill you right now!..” Gilbert didn’t fully spare Roderich though. He didn’t hold back a tad as he heaved his curled up fist at the Austrians already bruised jaw. There was a loud popping noise as Roderich fell to the ground now sobbing in pain. Gilbert kicked him before running back to his car. He tried to call Matthew eight times that night, leaving four voicemails. He also texted Matthew three times.

“Matthew, please I didn’t kiss him! He kissed me!”

“Please call me.. I can’t live without you!”

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