4K 139 154

New word count: 1.4k
Date (re)published: November 15th, 2020

— Tuesday - The Great Hall - 8:10am —

Harry was fucking happy.

He and Draco had been doing... whatever they were doing... for a few days. Harry didn't recall ever feeling more happy.  Hermione and Ron had been sharing secret glances about it as well, but Harry didn't mind. He was doing well. The best he'd ever been.

Every morning, he woke up smiling. This morning in particular, everyone from his dorm was awake, their faces contorted into weird shapes as they stared, confused as to what had happened to Harry. He had finished his breakfast within the first ten minutes of being in the hall, and now he was engaged in conversation. They, of course, didn't know why Harry was so happy all the time. They didn't know how he felt.

And he was going to keep it that way.


Harry was flying. He was dancing on clouds. He was lighter than a feather, floating through the air gracefully. He was on top of the world. As he walked to Potions, he felt as if his heart was just overflowing with joy.

"Good morning!" he waved frantically at a random first year that would no doubt owl her parents about the encounter later. "How are you doing?" he asked cheerfully, walking over to greet the timid figure.

"Good!" her answer was immediate and her eyes were sparkling in the light. "Golly! Harry Potter is talking to me?"

Harry nodded, and patted the girl's head before skipping on his way to Potions.

When he entered the classroom, he noticed that only a few seats were still empty. Trying to switch thing up a bit seemed like a great experiment for the day, so he went ahead and sat in the back of the classroom by most of the Slytherins. There were a few confused sounds coming from his peers, but he pretended not to notice while he unpacked his bag. As soon as he had taken out his ink pot, the doorway was suddenly filled with an angel.

Draco, he thought, staring at the blonde in the doorway. Immediately, Draco's gaze fell upon his own, and for a moment, it felt like fireworks were going off. It felt they were the only two people in the world. If felt exciting and scary all at the same time. Their connection was broken when Draco looked away.

Harry returned to unpacking his things.

The class seemed to zoom by, making it one he would surely forget within the next few days. He wasn't entirely sure what was going on with the lessons, but Draco was a beautiful distraction. Harry smiled as he thought about the boy, looking off dreamily into the abyss of nothingness. He returned to the right state of mind - more like his state of mind, because we all know there's nothing right about that - when Hermione shook his shoulder violently.

"Harry, class has been dismissed," she whisper-yelled into his ear.

"Huh?" he sat up straight from where he'd been slouching and looked around the room. The class was steadily floating around the room, packing up their things, and filtering out. He looked up at Hermione and smiled. "I've been thinking about the most wonderful things, Hermione."

"And what would that be?"

"Obviously me." Another voice joined the conversation.

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