2.7K 106 36

New word count: 1.1k
Date (re)published: November 21th, 2020

— Thursday - The Gryffindor Commons - 8:29pm —

Harry was sitting in the common room the next night while Hermione yelled at him about  who knows what. He looked over to Ron, who had a baffled look on his freckled face.

There was a fire going in the common room today, because it was the second week of October and the outdoors were starting to cool down from the previous September warmth. Harry was wearing a blanket on top of the sofa he was sitting on, since Hermione hadn't thought to light the fire until a few minutes prior.

"Harry. Harry. Harry. HARRY!!" Hermione screamed at the top of her lungs, and a few first years scampered away.

Harry flinched and looked up at her with tired eyes. "What, 'Mione?" He asked, obviously shocking her with his lack of effort to respond.

"Are you alright, Harry? You seem... lost today." She said kindly and quietly, in great contrast to her yelling she'd been doing not a moment before.

"M'fine," he said unconvincingly, his shifting expression even more so.

"Sure you are, mate," Ron shook his head while he spoke and gave Harry a questioning glance. "Are you tired, or something?"

Harry nodded quickly and made to stand up. "Yes! I'm exhausted! I'll be in my way now, goodnight." With that he ran up to bed, bringing the blanket with him.

Harry threw the blanket onto Ron's bed, for it was Hermione's, and he figured Ron would give it back. He quickly threw on some pyjama pants and threw his shirt off onto the floor. He put on the first hoodie he found and pulled the hood over his head before sliding into his bed and closing the curtains. He fell asleep not a moment later.


Harry woke up the next morning to the sound of whispers in his bedroom.

"-it's green! Hermione, you know what this means!" Ron whisper shouted.

Harry bolted up. He was greeted with Ron and Hermione standing at the end of his bed, concern etched into their faces.

"What's wron-" he started asking.

"Whose hoodie is that, Harry?" Hermione cut him off.

"What do you mean, it's-" he looked down. His hoodie was green. Rather, Draco's hoodie was green. "Oh shit," he whispered. He looked up to face his friends and smiled sheepishly.

"Did you charm it?" He asked Hermione.

"What do you mean 'did I charm it?' Of course I didn't bloody charm it, I wouldn't be asking if I'd charmed it." She huffed.

"Did you?" Harry asked Ron, looking directly at the carrot-head.

"Too dumb for that, mate."

Harry shrugged. "Bet it was Neville, then."

Hermione looked at his skeptically for a second, and then pointed toward Ron. "You, out." She jabbed at him. "And you," she pointed at Harry. "Get dressed. We leave in five." With that, Hermione and Ron left Harry alone in his dormitory to freak out.

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