O yeah pg shuichi hc

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who even reads this shit anymore, pls comment ur favorite danganronpa character if u even attempt to read this :(


- Probably Bi honestly

- V lonely, everyone thinks he's gross and weird :(

- His parents have given up on trying to see what's wrong but he's EDGY TEEN and storms off thinking they won't undERsTAnd

- Has no friends omg omg ffff :(

- This man only dreams of someone actually loving him but the only love he gets is from being curled up in blankets watching Danganronpa-

- Extremely into DR, He tries to talk about it to people, but if they didn't already know the 'rumors' they'd end up not talking the next day

- Masochistic, (i personally would like to write pg shu with this headcanon omg)

- Tends to fall for others easily, and he loves any and all interaction he can get, whether it is good or bad

- Horny tho

- His favorite is Kyoko!

- His least favorite is Mondo,,, (DUDE I LOVE MONDO BUT I FEEL LIKE HE'D JUST NOT LIKE HIM)


What the fuck were these ew i hate them but ok

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