Berk! I Think

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It was a very long boat ride. Unbelievable really, but Merida knew it was the right choice because all along the way there were wisps. Showing up and leaving in a blink of and eye. When the boat finally got to the docks of Berk it was very, very cold.

There weren't any inns so she figures she wouldn't stay long. There were a lot of weapons so she bought a new bow, then of course some food. She decided to take Angus into the woods so that it was safe. They were lucky enough to find an oasis in the woods with a lake. Merida just hung out, playing with Angus, not a care in the world. It felt great to be free.

Night fell and she heard a lot of yelling and saw fire, she had no idea what could be going on so she grabbed Angus and they hid in a bush. Then she saw a shadow of what looked like a boy sneaking around. What could he be doing? Merida thought so she tied Angus to a tree near the bush and ordered him to stay hidden. She didn't know what she was thinking but she followed the boy trying to stay as quiet as possible. Merida kept noticing the flames and was nervous. When the boy seemed to stop walking Merida hid herself. The boy was calling an odd name. Then came out a dragon. Merida was shocked a full blown, real life dragon. That must be what is causing the flames. This boy could be the enemy, but then why did he seem so gentle and nice. Merida decided that she should go back and make sure Angus was still okay. 'Crack' "shit" Merida had stepped on a twig and the boy looked over. She decided to run and the boy was walking towards he looking for the noises. Some how all of a sudden as Merida ran wisps kept appearing, she new she could trust them so she followed them as they flashed here and there. Then Merida tripped she fell to the ground, there was a wisp right in front of her and she didn't see anymore. She struggled getting up, she hurt her wrist.

The boy approached her and helped her get up. "Hi I'm Hiccup. Are you hurt?"

"Uh, um. Hi, I'm a Merida. Ow!"

"Sorry come on I can wrap up your wrist for ya."

"Thanks, but um, I need to go check on my horse."

Hiccup decided that he would go with her to get her horse and then they went back to where Hiccup hid his dragon.

There were lights and a fire pit. Hiccup handed Merida some blankets.

"So um, this is my horse, obviously, um, his name is Angus."

" He is a beautiful horse, we don't see many out here. you should keep him hidden. Anyway, this is Toothless."

" Wow I've never seen a real dragon before. I can tell that is not the case here. With all the fire and screaming, I kind of picked it up."

" Well you probably are exhausted. You and Angus can stay here with Toothless. I have to go back, see you tomorrow maybe."

"Yeah um, goodnight."


Hiccup seemed like a nice guy and Toothless got a long with Angus really well. Maybe Berk isn't as bad as I first thought.

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