Anchor's Away

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Merida has been riding Angus for what seems like days. She thinks that there is a town near by, but it does not have a ship dock. She still has a long journey ahead of her. But luckily she can stop at the next town, eat, get supplies, and maybe stay the night.

Finally, they come to a town. Merida dismounts Angus and starts walking the streets. Thankfully their is a market right next to an inn. Merida can easily get in and out, even get an idea of where she is. She approaches a stand selling some fruit. " How much is a bag?" she asked the merchant. " 5 £" Merida did not have that much, "how much is one?" She asked hoping she could buy at least some. " 2£" that is still a lot more than she can handle. Thinking that lunch at the inn would be much to expensive, so she bought a two apples. As she continues down the street and she see another fruit stand "come one, come all 1£ for a bag of fruit." The new merchant exclaimed. Merida was over joyed, she bought a box of strawberries and a peach. The merchant was so kind and informed Merida that she was heading North and if she kept doing so she would run into a town with a ship dock. Merida thanked the woman for her kindness, the woman also told her that if she needed a place to stay, she is welcome to stay in her cabin, the woman even have Merida some money.

Merida had the address for the merchants cabin in her bag along with her fruit, and continued her journey.

Hours have past and both Merida and Angus are done for the night. So Merida noticed that there were a couple cabins and decided to look and see if the merchants cabin was there. It was. *knock knock* the merchant opens the door. "Merida! I'm so glad you came, here let's take Angus 'round back. Pappy! Get some tea goin! and bring some apples to feed this beautiful horse of hers!"

" Thank you Alandra."

" Of course dear, oh, Merida meet Pappy, Pappy, Merida. "

" Come on I made peppermint tea is that alright." Pappy asked with a gentle and friendly smile.

" Yes of course, thank you both so much."

Merida had stayed the night and Pappy and Alandra assured her that she was welcome there any time. Merida followed their instructions and continued north and In what seems a short while she found the boating dock.

A sign read tickets for 3£. Thanks to Alandra and Pappy, Merida just had enough. So she walked to the shortest line. Then it was her turn, she asked the man at the ticket booth where is the farthest she can get north. The ticket vender insisted that she took a boat to the Isle of Berk. So Merida bought a one way ticket to wherever this Berk place is.

"All Aboard for Berk."

Then Merida left.

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