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"Dad! I don't want to leave I have to stay in Berk." Merida had yelled to King Fergus.

"Stop all this nonsense Merida. You gave your mother a heart attack when we had found you had ran away."

"But I belong in Berk Dad."

"No! You belong in DunBroche with your family. "

"You don't understand dad my friends are there. I never made friends in DunBroche. And wisps led me there."

They argued for the whole trip back to DunBroche. When they got back Merida went straight to her room. She didn't want to speak with anyone. She had to figure out how to get back to Berk and get back Angus who was left there.

' Pappy and Alandra' Merida thought back to how they told her that they were happy to help with whatever. Merida could right them a letter and they could come to DunBroche and talk to her parents. And insist that they take me back to their cabin for a mini vacation. Then she could go to Berk and reunite with her friends.

*knock knock*

"Merida. Can I speak with you? please. Queen Elinor asked.

"Sure mum come on in. "

"Listen. I know your mad. And I want to apologize. I pushed you."

"Mum you don't understand I made friends in Berk and Dad left Angus there. Plus wisps led me there. if I didn't follow them I would have never met Pappy, Alandra, Toothless, Astrid, or Hiccup."

"No offense dear, but those are some of the weirdest names I have ever heard. I mean Hiccup, honestly. If it really means that much to you. We will go back and get Angus."

"You still don't understand mum. I don't want to be a Princess, I want to be a Viking in Berk."

"I understand. " Queen Elinor replied and left.

The next day Merida was dragged downstairs when she was greeted with two friendly faces, Pappy and Alandra.

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