Trouble(Spencer Reid)

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A/n: I was thinking and then I came up with this. ENJOY. It is kind of depressing.... and criminal minds-y

Spencer's POV

I was lying on my couch holding up in front of me a picture of us. Me and (y/n), (y/n) and me. I just can't stop thinking of her. I knew she was trouble the day she appeared at the BAU, with her sparkling, mischievous (e/c) orbs. I keep flashing back to when we first met and stuff. Stuff that makes me want to drown in my own tears.

~Flash Back~

You ran into the BAU conference room, you were new and told that your guide would be waiting for you there. Walking rather distracted you bumped into a brown haired young man.

" Ohh, Hi...... I'm so so so so sorry. I was just really distracted/nervous and stuff by the way my name is (y/n) (y/l/n) so sor--"

"It's okay. I'm Spencer Reid, your guide.

~ End of Flashback~

During the week you and Spencer shared your genius incites to each other.

More Flashback

"Your a genius, I'm a genius. we'll get along great."

"Yeah, We will (y/n), yeah we will."

Over that week you and Spencer became very good friends. He told you about his family and you of yours.

" Yeah I had to help her. Anyways my past wasn't very happy at all. What about you (y/n)."

You laugh " Not that happy on my end either. My mom and dad where murdered back in Japan when me and my twin sister were 5. It was deemed a cold case. It's also kind of the reason I'm here. I'm a very determined person. That and I do want to help others. You get me Spence."

" yeah I do (y/n), yeah I do."

Present time

"Determination. That's what got us dating and to the position of your death in the first place" Spencer murmured to him self.

//// Three month time skip flashback brought to you by the doctor and his TARDIS/////

'Today's the day you tell (y/n) that your in love with her. Today's the day and you can do this!! probably.....

"Heeeyyyyy (y/n) Can I talk to you for a sec. Really will take up a little bit of your time"

" Sure Spence what do you need?"

" Besides the fact that we ARE needed at the conference room, I wanted to tell you- I-I wanted to tell you that- umm that I-um kind of maybe sort of love you. please don't hurt me"

The gaze in your eyes was kind and loving as you looked him in the eye and said " Heyyyyyyy Spence, I kind of maybe sort of love you too~"

You two kissed not noticing the rest of the team smirking and Emily giving Morgan 25 dollars ~.

Flashback ends

"God dammit get of of my head" I yelled out to no one in particular. I couldn't close my eyes without seeing (y/n) die all over again. just because we weren't able to catch the unsub. The same unsub who killed (y/n)'s mother and father. I feel like a hopeless failure. (A/n: I am just going to stop with flashbacks or it will be intense) Her eyes, her beautiful, mischievous eyes. Her last words being said with her last breath : 'I love you, Doctor Spencer Reid'. I can still feel the blood of the unsub that mixed with her own blood. My phone rings, snapping me out of my thoughts, It's Morgan.

" What do you want Morgan."

" Hey kid, I'm just here to see if your coming to the funeral 'cause we would understand if you don't want to-"

" No, I'm going see you in a bit Morgan bye." I say hanging up. I push my hair into place one last time. Straighten my tie and leave when I back track and pocket the first picture me and (y/n) ever took as a couple. I grab the flowers too and, and the ring that I was going to propose to her with next week at our one year anniversary. I walk out the door and leave to the funeral. Some things are not that great to remember.

But I will always remember my (y/n). Always.

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