Fashion Talks (Poland)

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A/n: IDEK I mean I just randomly came up with this and that's fairly-
Sebastian: My lady you should get on with this story. Told you we'll be showing up.
Me: Fine. Only for you though~.
Grell: HEY Sebastian is MINE.
ME: On with the story QUICK!!!!
You were a fashion designer. You're boss apparently believed that countries had a good fashion sense. Now that you had seen them in person. They did not have the best fashion sense. England was to plain. France too bright. America to loud.
You sighed. None of these countries were good enough for you. You took out your scetch book and began to randomly draw whatever outfit you deem right. After a few minutes a young man came up behind you and said "Wow. You are like so totally good at drawing. And those outfits are like so totally cute and like fashionable."
You turned around and said "Really?"
"Yeh like totally my name is like Feliks. I'm Poland."
"Mine is (y/n). I'm not a country."
"Great name. So like what are you doing here?"
You smiled and said "Well my boss believes that countries have an excellent fashion sense and sent me here for inspiration but besides you of course, so I've found none."
He nodded and said "I like totally agree but hey I'll like totally help you. Come to my place like on next Friday."
"Okay. Fantastic."
/////time skip to next Friday brought to you by Ronald Knox's lawn mower/////
You were there on time. Of course. He opened the door on time as well. So likely. Anyways by 3:o0 in the morning you finished the assignment your boss asked you to do using countries style. You got something for each country. Thanks to Poland.
"Dang. This is MAGICALNESS!"
"I like know right. (Y/n) This is like totally amazing."
You smiled and laughed. "This will totally please my boss. He will love this. I swear this he will love."
Feliks smiled and stood up dragging you up with him. "What now Poland dearest."
He leaned forward and kissed you. It was a short, gentle kiss. Over as quickly as it began.
He looked slightly embarrassed but still said "That is what is now (y/n) dearest. Do you wish to go out with your Poland dearest?"
He stretched his hand out to you in a dramatic gesture. You laughed and took his hand and said "Of course Poland dearest. Were would I be without taking up this offer?"
"Like totally lost! 'Cause we're like girlfriend and boyfriend now,right."
"Yeah people."
He kissed you again and you both smiled.
In that moment you realized that this was the start of something beautiful~.
Me: Ha. Finished. I have never done Poland nor do I know much about him but this was a result of my small knowledge about Poland's habits and the fact that he's a bit of a fashionista. I got that from-
Ceil: Shut up Sakura you're boring us to death.
Sebastian: My lord you mustn't be so rude!
Grell: Yeah! Ceil you should be kinder to your host!
Ceil: Some host-Wait Hey what are you doing here!
Ronald: We live here to. She needs a space for us here too!
Me:Stop arguing get to the point!
Sebastian: Sakura would like to remind whoever is reading that her updates shall be few seeing as this is finals week and all her teachers demand a project..
Me: Enough boring people to death. ~Sakura Jackson Out people

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 17, 2014 ⏰

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