No More ( Pirate England)

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A/n: After listening to England sing Pub and Go for the millionth time on full blast I got this idea and I saw pirates of the Caribbean so this is weird and strange but hey I'm weird and Strange........... Oh right the story sorry enjoy.......
You sat at your desk at the Captains Quarters. Your Quarters...... You took off your tricornered hat and pushed away all the bloody maps at your desk. Reaching to one of the drawers you pulled out the only picture you had of him, Captain Arthur Kirkland. You heard screams outside the door so you guessed it was Bella chasing your 7 year old son and yelling at Captain Carriedo's men. As a warning no doubt so they could tell what would happen if they even thought about even touching the alcohol at this point of the week. You stifled a laugh and then sighed continuing to stare at the photograph. You heard a knock on the door and the head of your co-captain poked in.
"Come in Antonio"
He walked in and looked at you staring at the picture of Arthur.
"Ay Chica te ves mal. Estas bien?"[1]
After living with Toni for 7 years you could speak Spanish. "No I'm not okay. Today marks the 8 year anniversary of when ARTHUR left me."
Antonio sat down on your other chair and motioned you over.
"Come on Chica. Sit with me."
You sighed and sat on his lap like a little kid would with his mother or father. After all the time you'd been with Antonio you had never felt romantic feelings for him. Maybe because you were still so in love with Captain Arthur Kirkland.
"Didn't I tell you to never become involved with a pirate (y/n)."
"But your a pirate........"
"True. But chica you got romantically involved with a pirate!!!!"
"Toni I can't forget it. Or get it out of my head. It hurts even more this year......"
"Alright then. Talk about what yo remember."
you sighed and began to tell him what you remembered.
//////Flashback to when you first met him brought to you by Weasly's Wizard Wheezes ///
You had decided to go to the tavern that your best friend owned. It had been a long day and since it was near your house that was near the port you often came hear when needing to relax after being yelled at by your mother for not being a proper gentlewomen.
"Hey Bella ."
"Oh hey (y/n). How are you?"
"Magical Girl."
"Anyways (y/n) did you hear the rumors about the Pirates???"
"Ummm I live near a the port. My dad owns the port. I'm pretty sure I would have been able to see some English pirates walking round."
"Not if we disguised ourselves lass. Is anyone sitting next to you?"
You turned around and saw a man/pirate the had a red coat on and a tricornered hat. The symbol of captaincy. He had blonde hair and green eyes that stared into your own (e/c) ones. His eyes were swim able....... And his scent was intoxicating.....
"Hello lass???? Still here?"
"Oh right take a seat."
He laughed and sat on the stool next to yours. He ordered rum. Typical God damned pirates.......
Little did you know that this would be the beginning of something difficult.
////////End of flash back brought to you by Dobby, Who is/was a very free elf/////
"Ahhhh that's when you first met. Isn't it chica?"
You nodded and sighed tears in your eyes.
"Any more things you remember that makes you sad??"
"No I'm perfectly fine and that's the only depressing thing in my life!"
"Alright then chica speak or forever hold your peace."
You scowled and said "fine you bastard"
////Flash back brought to you by Remus Lupin the most friendly werewolf ever 😭😭😢😓🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧and British flags//////
You sat in front of your vanity in your room, combed your hair and sighed. It had been four years since you had met Arthur Kirkland and started a relationship with him. And two weeks since your father had decided to marry you off to some rich dude in London. Edward of midford or something like that. You had met him once but did not love him. He was handsome but you did not love him. You sighed and put down your brush when everything went black.
///////time skip brought to you by magical flying mint bunnies!!!!!///////
You woke up on a bed. Mind you it was a very comfortable bed. It was on a ship....... You immediately recognized were you were
Said man (Arthur) walked into his room smiling like everything was fine.
"Yes love?"
"What the bloody hell-"
You stopped looking at him in the eyes and asking him a completely serious question
"On second thought. WHY ON EARTH WOULD YOU KIDNAP ME?!?!?!??!? ESPECIALLY the DAY BEFORE I'm going to get MARRIED!!!"
He sat down on the bed next to you and said "I 'kidnapped' you because you are getting married" tapping your head he said " it's only logical that a man like myself will want to protect his treasure from other vile men. Besides my love, do I look like the sharing type." He grinned upon seeing your reaction. "FINE! I guess that that makes sense...."
You sighed. "But my father........ He'll know you took me......"
Arthur sighed. " I know lass." He kissed you gently, trailing kisses down your neck. "this is why we have to make the most of the time we have together right know love."
You slowly blushed and nodded.
//////time skip to next morning brought to you by the supermegafoxyawesomehot Spencer Reid, I'm back to this page like a boss 🇺🇸😎🇬🇧🇺🇸😎🇬🇧🇺🇸😎🇬🇧🇺🇸😎🇬🇧🇺🇸😎🇬🇧🇺🇸😎🇬🇧🇺🇸😎🇬🇧🇺🇸😎🇬🇧🇺🇸😎🇬🇧🇺🇸😎🇬🇧🇺🇸😎🇬🇧🇺🇸😎🇬🇧////////
You awoke the next morning to the sound of two people no sorry men fighting/arguing about something important. You were going to ignore it until you heard your name. Then you got up and got dressed. Oddly the outfit that Arthur had laid out for you included a pair of pants and a dress shirt instead of a dress. You shrugged it off and barged into Arthur's office without knocking. When inside you saw two me that you knew. Both Pirates. Go figure. It was Captain Carriedo and Arthur. Arthur caught your eye and said "love what are you doing up?" He looked nervous, but that couldn't be Captain Arthur Kirkland did NOT get nervous.
However Toni did not take things as lightly.
"This proves what I was saying! You did kidnap my friend (y/n)! "
"(Y/n) this is important you will go with Antonio okay. You cannot stay with me so you will go with Antonio, whom both you and I trust. Your friend Bella will go with you too."
He got up and stared at the window your cue to go. You and Toni left.
///////two year timeskip brought to you by the flying mint bunny//////
Being a pirate was difficult. Co-ruling a ship with a stubborn idiot was difficult. Trying to hide the fact you were a girl was even more difficult still. However doing all that while raising a curious child was even more difficult still. It had been two years since you had left (read:Arthur had left you) and you could whole heartedly say that you missed him. It was not magical. Antonio had told you to give up on him but you didn't really want to. You sighed. That day you decided to forget about Arthur coming back. You had better things to do to be worrying about Arthur as well.
///// Le flashback over brought to you by my epic///sorry by PRUSSIA'S epic awesomeness/////
You sighed once more and looked over to Antonio about to open his mouth when a deckhand came to tell us that British ship had spotted us. Oh great. More trouble.
"Alright people. Y'all know what to do"
ARTHUR KIRKLAND'S POV. (y'all knew that was coming)
I sat at my fancy desk examining a bunch of God damned maps. Stupid maps. Taking over the world one ship at a time.....
"Ummm Captain...... We have a Spanish ship in sight...... Do you want to attack or something....????" Best mate on the ship came to tell me.
"Sure. These unreckless seas have been tad bit to boring for my taste so Hard to starboard and prepare the cannons and the men for 'n attack. Now ye idiot!"
He left and I put on my tricornered hat and coat on and followed him up to the deck. Once there I got my rapier and prepared to give orders to my men.
You ran upstairs and stood side by side with Antonio. At times like these you were glad to have him with you. You each yelled out orders that were quickly followed.
You stood there rapier ready to attack when the ship came and almost crashed into yours. The captain came running out with his men.
He had very blonde hair and beautiful emerald green eyes and....and a set of of the bushiest eyebrows you'd ever seen. He reminded you of Arthur. You shook your head as the fight began. Knocking those thoughts out of your head.
"Oh Captain." You snarled. "Why don't you and I have a little chat."
He smirked back "why not?"
The rest made a circle as you two prepared for your fight. You glared at him and he glared back.
////During the fight////
He was good. But you had been taught by the best pirate out there so you were determined to win this guy to resembled Arthur.
You saw him get ready to swipe in a way that would get your head chopped off so you did the natural thing. You ducked. His sword took off your hat and revealed your (hair length) revealing that you are indeed a female. He stared at you with wide eyes and said (Y-Y/N). Now it was your turn to look astonished "A-Arthur? Is it you?"
He walked over to you and hugged you.
You turned your head around and said "All y'all go downstairs."
They all stared at you "NOW YOU IDIOTS!MOVE IT BASTARDS!"
Arthur smiled.
After they had all left you didn't even let him open his mouth before you started yelling at him "YOU GOD DAMNED BASTARD! I WASTED TWO YEARS WAITING FOR YOU! AND THEN YIU LEFT FOR SEVEN YEARS.DON'T YOU UNDERSTAND HOW IT FEELS TO BE ABANDONED! NOT EVEN ONE WORD FROM YOU! HOW CAN YOU LIVE WITH YOURSELF!"You took a deep breath and let tears run down your cheeks. Arthur looked scared, worried, and embarrassed all at the same time. Not the proper look for a pirate but whatever you were to mad and sad to care.
He put his hand on your shoulder and said "Love it's not easy to get a message overseas and I knew your father had people follow me and I just couldn't risk it. He hasn't given up after all this time. He's a stubborn man."
You smiled a bit and leaned your head on his hand. You were about to tell him something when you heard a door open and the pitter patter of small feet walking on the deck. You quickly spun around and picked your young son, Alfred up.
"Eh When. Where. Why. How. I don't. I can't . What the-I can't even think. Oh my god. I just don't even- How could this even be possible? I don't understand?!"
You looked at his confused expression and giggled. "Why Arthur this is quite a rude way to greet your own son!"
He stared at you and whispered "Son? As in him? As in the child you're carrying in your arms?"
"Yes Arthur dear. Although I would have thought that to be quite obvious seeing as though-"
"What-what's his name" He said stepping closer to you and stretching out his hand to touch his son's hair.
"His name is Alfred."
"Alfred." Arthur repeated slowly. "Well hello Alfred. How's it going?"
"You're my dad right?"
"Then are you gonna tell my mom that you love her and then stay with us? Like you know on this ship." Alfred looked up to Arthur staring at him with huge blue eyes.
Arthur,who was already acting unlike himself, blushed and said "Why don't you go downstairs with the rest And we'll tell you later, alright?"
Alfred smiled and nodded. You put him down and he ran downstairs.
You faced Arthur and he swiftly held you up against him and kissed you.
"The kid-"
"You're SON"
"Right sorry My Son is right. I do really love you. And if you let me love you then I'll promise to stay....."
"No more leaving?"
"Oh come off it love. I could barely live seven years without you I don't think that I'm ever leaving again.
You smiled "still got a lot of things to conquer."
"You know that's right (y/n)."
As the sun started to set you realized that now just maybe you could have company when you felt like watching the sunsets~.
A/n: This is the longest thing I have ever written. Its magical and makes no sense. Much like me. Oh well.
~Sakura Jackson out people's

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