Been there, Done that (America)

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A/n: I was watching phineas and ferb when I made this up. yes i am that crazy. that and my bffl told me that I should write more AMERICA stuff. oh well here goes nothing. Here you go, have some America. ヾ(@⌒ー⌒@)ノ expect some Canada next

////// the last day of school//////

It was the LAST DAY OF SCHOOL!!!! You where so psyched about the beginning of summer. No seriously. You got to spend it all with your best friend AND crush : Alfred Jones. Yeah!! You also had more time to fangirl over amine with your other best friend Kiku Honda ( Japan).

/// one month Time skip brought to you by the Doctor because really only he can pull that off///

"Alfred" you whined seeking the attention of the bored blonde haired boy in front of you.

" What (y/n)?"

" What do we do now? We have literally have done every possible thing to be done over the summer. Why oh Why must we be so awesome."

"No idea (y/n). Question: What's on TV?"

" Answer: I don't know let's find out."

You turn on the TV and guess what's on : Phineas and Ferb. Go figure.

" The real answer Alfred. Phineas and Freb" you said trying not to laugh.

"They get more fun that us, Gurl what are we going to do."

"We could go to Great America (y/n)"

"Been there"

"Or we could go see Five Seconds of Summer"

"Done that"

"Go to the Empire State Building"

"Been there"

" Have a Keeping up with the Kardashians marathon"

"Don't plan on doing that"

"Go to Six Flags?"

"Done that"

"How about rob a bank?"

" I said I want to get rid of boredom not I want to go to jail Alfred!"

"We could-"


A small smirk appeared on Alfred's face. he scooted closer to you. Like your breaths were mingling close. You could feel his breath on your lips and skin.

" We haven't done one very important thing (y/n)"

"W-what is that Alfred"

" Well (y/n) I did notice that we haven't gone out yet~." With that said he leaned in and kissed you with so much passion. You pulled away only when you thought you would die if you didn't. You say there, panting for breath and so shocked while Alfred just sat there grinning as if extremely proud of himself.

" So will you go out with the awesome hero to dinner tonight at 6:00"

You grinned and said " Yea, of course! Why not"

" Excellent I will pick you up at 6:00. See you then."

After he left you smiled and thought, this summer is going to be different and boy were you right~.

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