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This chapter is a bit long. The rest will be shorter, I promise. Enjoy!!

Jimin's POV

"No, Jungkook! I said no. It was your mistake so you should fix it."

Jungkook whined behind me, propping his dark form on my king-sized bed that was decorated with all pink. Pink covers, pink pillows, and beige teddy bears. On that background, his persona seemed like some out of space alien - coal black hair, black eyeliner, and combat boots. His appearance just screamed he didn't belong here. 

"C' mon, midget,"  he said with forced puppy eyes I knew he hated using, "can't you do this for me? Just this once?"

"What can I do? How can I possibly help you?" I sighed, rubbing my forehead with two fingers.

It's not like I didn't want to help him - I just didn't know how my friends would react to it. Jungkook wasn't really popular in my social life. He brought that dark aura with him wherever he went, was self-centered, egoistic, childish and rude. He didn't care about other people one bit and all he ever did was film his youtube videos, 'hang out' with girls and smoke. To say that he was a bad boy would be an understatement.

He was bad, he was a boy, but he was also a devil.

"I already told you, dumbass. Let me join you for a few months, yeah? Let me do this project with you."

I closed the door behind me, my parents still didn't know what we were doing so I didn't want them to overhear something. Leading a youtube channel was hard when mom and dad didn't even know about it, but I was doing it for two years now and I got used to it. I started it when I was in junior year, with my best (and only) friends Taehyung and Jin. They were the same year as me, calm, quiet and very very gay - we became close pretty soon.

Jin was a beautiful Big Bang fanboy - tall, slender and photogenic. There wasn't a person in the whole school that wasn't at least a little attracted to him. He was just so loud and bright that nobody could not hear him, or notice him.

Taehyung, on the other hand, was considered the most beautiful creature on the planet, so everybody wanted him. The girls knew he was swinging that way but they didn't budge - if you passed the gym at 4 PM sharp you could see a group of them waiting for him to finish cheerleading practice so they could shower him with gifts and affection.

And then there was me ...

Park Jimin.

I was small, not very thin, chubby even, with round eyes and cheeks filled with pimples and damp orange hair. I liked to dress comfortable, even though I didn't look good - in fact, I even looked like a beggar, at least that's what they said.

I didn't really care most of the time unless one specific person thought the same thing.

Which he did.

"Yo, Jimin."

I snapped my head in Jungkook's direction, finding him staring at me with those dark mysterious eyes that never meant anything good.

"I'm afraid I really can't help you," I sighed.

Which was true.

Jungkook was running a famous youtube channel called (We) BANG, alongside his 3 best friends Namjoon, Yoongi, and Hoseok. They were doing great, regularly posting videos about sports and music until last week.

Jungkook was doing his weekly tutorial on how to 'reject someone properly' when he said something LGBTQ offensive.

He didn't directly tell me what about but it must've been bad since he was still losing subscribers even after he deleted it and apologized.

I wasn't too surprised though, he wasn't that understanding when I came out to our parents.

Maybe that's why we weren't close even though we were blood-related.

I always found him uncomfortable and scary, he really wasn't my type of a person.

"How about this?" he suddenly said, sitting up right beside me, pushing the notebooks I was sorting on the floor, "You help me with my reputation and I make sure Yoongi notices you."

I blushed at that, finding it amusing how easy that slipped off his tongue - he was homophobic after all, yet he didn't seem to have a problem with the fact that I liked his best friend.

"What do you mean?" I mumbled and started picking up my stuff, trying to look uninterested.

I was, in fact, very very interested.

He leaned closer, whispering: "Little birdy told me my brother likes the grumpy ol' dude."

I scoffed at how childish, but mostly at how wrong he was.

I didn't like Yoongi.

Oh no. Oh no no no.

It was much closer to obsession.

I was his number one fan, always somewhere near, observing how the sun played hide and seek with his pale skin as he was smoking on the school playground.

I hung out with the prettiest boys on our school yet their beauty didn't take my breath away the way he did.

He was just like Jungkook - dark, a bit edgy, carefree and stubborn, but there was just something different about him.



At the second thought, he seemed more similar to me that he did to Jungkook - he hated being in crowded rooms with a lot of people, that's why he knew for all my small hiding places in the school.

You can only imagine how startled I was when I once spotted him sitting on my spot on the rooftop, a cigarette in hand and staring at the horizon.

On that day his hair was almost white, just like his porcelain skin, in total contrast with his bright red pout-shaped lips that looked so damn kissable.

But I knew he'd never kiss me - I could tell by the way he looked at me.

"Yah, ugly face! I asked if we have a deal?"

I narrowed my eyes at him, trying to compose myself from pushing him out of my room.

"What's in it for me?"

Jungkook raised his eyebrows: "I thought having Yoongi around will do it for you. What else do you want?"

I fought the blush again - Tae once said I was especially ugly when blushing.

"Well - first, I'll have to talk to Jin and Tae about it. If they agree, I'll think about it."

"I can work with that."

"Second, we make the rules. That 'project' you're mentioning ... We'll look into it and set some boundaries."

"But we-"

"When that's done, we'll all sit together at lunch, talk about it like adults and consider our payment."

He frowned: "Payment? Wait, that's not it-"

"What? Did you seriously think we'll do this for free? I might be just fine with Yoongi being in it, but my friends don't have a crush on him. It won't be that easy."

He nodded slowly, seeing he didn't have a choice.

I expected him to thank me, but he just left my room, the only words I hear from him before he disappeared were: "I knew that ugly fuck would give in eventually."


Thank you for reading!

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